Advertisement Ideas: How To Choose The Correct Opportunity!!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: How To Choose The Correct Opportunity!

 How many times have you used the phrase I am not interested? How many times has your lack of interest cost you business? How many opportunities have you let slipped past you in the last 6 months that could have made a difference in your business? Each day we are bombarded by opportunities and each day we as business people must decide which is the correct opportunity? In many instances we may not have time to look at  or listen an unsolicited proposal so we blow it off and lose out on what could have been a great opportunity. Instead of blowing people off I would suggest stating to someone I would like to talk to you about this however I work on appointments to go over opportunities I have an opening in my schedule on___________ would you be able to speak to me then. A good person will answer yes I can or I have other appointments however  will leave you the information and follow-up with you.  The idea is to be open to receive information as you never know how someone can be of value and service to you. In many cases the people struggling in business are those who do not look at opportunities or seek opportunities.

 In his book Soul Currency  Ernest Chu states he asks all that he works with if they are open to receive. He asks this question as he knows that when you are open to receive more opportunities that make sense will be presented to you.  The question remains how do I choose the correct opportunity? The first factor is to see if the opportunity serves you in a positive way. The second factor is does this opportunity put me in front of my desired customer/client? The third factor is doe it make sense financially? By using these 3 factors you can choose the correct opportunity. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: How To Choose The Correct Opportunity!!!!!