Advertisement Ideas: How To Shift From Lack To Abundance Thinking!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: How To Shift From Lack To Abundance Thinking!!!!!


 Today I heard it again when I approached someone about being on my TV Show, The Anything Bucket, which airs on Wednesday at 8:00 PM EDT at, I can not afford it. I made it a point to explain to them that there is no fee to appear on my show and that by appearing on the show they are reaching an audience of over 48,000 viewers. I did explain that I offer people an opportunity to buy their clip for $100 and the clip is fully edited with contact information, however they are not obligated to purchase the clip.  I was following up on lead and heard I don’t have the time and I though okay people you are coming from a position of lack and this is holding you back. It was after my last encounter when I hear I tried Internet before and it didn’t work that I was motivated to write this article to help all business owners and all those involved in marketing to go from a lack mindset to an abundance mindset.  Ask yourself what opportunities have I turned down and made excuses why not to invest in my business?

 Changing your mindset from lack to abundance will help to market yourself and you will begin to attract the people that are meant to do business with you. I went into a business yesterday to ask them about being on my  Internet TV Show and I asked the gentleman who is ideal client was and he said every women who wants clothes. My mind immediately went to wrong answer if you don’t know your target audience you will not succeed. I always do my best to peel back the onion so that I can frame an interview around the business person so they can tell their story and resonate with their desired target audience. Again the idea is to shift from a lack mentality to a mindset of abundance. In  knowing who your target audience is and understanding that this audience is abundant and you can reach them through various platforms you will begin to experience abundance in your business. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: How To Shift From Lack To Abundance Thinking!!!!