Advertisement Ideas: Don’t Get It Twisted!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Don’t Get It Twisted!!!

Today I would like to address all those who have gotten it twisted and who now have to untangle the mess they made. One example is the Town Of Davie, FL who took money over the common good of people for their textile recycling program. The mayor and the city commission basically voted to remove The Salvation Army and Goodwill clothing recycling bins from the city and replaced them with a for profit company. When the mayor was confronted about the money the Salvation Army would lose she denied any knowledge. The media showed her the tape of a Salvation Army Representative stating the negative economic impact that this would have on the organization. She said oh I need to see something in writing.  As I watched this story I though couldn’t The Town of Davie, FL had both a for profit and non-profit organizations collecting clothes.  Sometimes those in office forget about doing the right thing and get a bit greedy. The Town of Davie,FL stands to bring in $400,000 for their endowment fund over the next 4 years but at what cost to the citizens and those that they were elected to serve. My solution would be to allow The Salvation Army  and Goodwill to keep their bins in The Town of Davie, FL and thus allow residents to decide who to give their clothes to thus fostering good public relations while at the same time adding money to the endowment fund. Instead The Town of Davie, FL got it twisted. My suggestion to the residents get active and go to the polls and find new leaders to build your city and who truly put the citizens needs first.  The easy thing for the Town of Davie, FL would have been to foster competition and invoke the concept that economic justice can best be won by free men through free enterprise.

There are so many ways that our society has gotten things twisted and now it is up to us look beyond and untangle this twisted mess we have made. Up until 3 months ago no one cared about the Confederate Flag or The Killing of Lions but thanks to the media hype the general public was once again duped into following what the media felt was important. While you were focusing on The Confederate Flag, Gay Marriage, and The Killing of Cecil The Lion The Federal Government passed a law where the origin of your meat products doesn’t have to be identified. I don’t know about you but I like to know where my meat comes from. While many believe Social Security is an entitlement it is not you paid into it and you should get your money. The Bush Administration took over $1 billion from Social Security and never paid it back. If you or I did this we would be in jail. Where is the outage at this? Then we have the idea of Black Lives Matter when we should have a philosophy that all lives matter but again if the government can keep us divided they can control us. Imagine if we all looked beyond color and started working together we could not be stopped. The time is now to stop getting things twisted.

As business and non-profit leaders we must begin to put ourselves out there and speak our truth and not get things twisted. We must stand up and work together so that we can be of service of value to one another  by being open to receive and looking for the truth and not allow ourselves to be misdirected by the twisting and manipulation of the media and government. Look at the real issues and become educated so that you don’t get it twisted.

 Study and understand the real issues and  then walk in your truth to make a positive change in your business life.  The truth is that if your business is not aligned with your core values and you are not attracting people who share your core values you will not succeed. The truth is if you are not growing you are dying. The truth is if you do not advertise and your competitor is you are losing customers. The truth is if you do not have a strategic marketing plan you will fail. The truth is if you go with the crowd and try to please them you will fail. The truth is that you can not sell to everyone and  not everyone will resonate with you so don’t get things twisted and walk in your truth.

 Remember not to get it twisted as you are your brand and you must be consistent in all you do. Many will tell you don’t share your beliefs I say share your beliefs and be authentic so people don’t get things twisted with you. Many times controversy creates cash and helps a business because the consumers tend to support businesses who share their point of view.

Remember that the truth will set you free and to look at the big picture.  In the last year we learned Mike Brown wasn’t the choir boy who people wanted you to believe he was, should he have  died? No but he should have been disciplined. We learned that some police are overzealous but we already knew that heck the cases I could sight to prove this but we also learned that there are many doing positive things and we must focus on them. So to the news media and government I give this directive to stop getting it twisted.