Advertisement Ideas: Wake Up, Kick Ass, Repeat!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Wake Up, Kick Ass, Repeat!!!

wake up kick ass repeat more inspiration mondays mornings kicks ass ... In business or in volunteer work it is important to have the mindset that you will have a kick ass day everyday.  It is imperative to make sure that your name is constantly out there in a positive light. One of the key elements to building your brand and increasing cash flow is to have a kick ass attitude and not worry about what other people think because at the end of the day all that will matter is were you impeccable with your word, did you not take anything, personally, did you not make assumptions, and did you do you best?  When you get up and you begin to run your business or do your charitable work do you have  a plan and are you working that plan making the necessary adjustments?If you do not have a pan you will be going in circles. The idea is to not go in circles by kicking ass and remembering some will  some won’t, so what, some waiting, next.  One way to kick ass is to always advertise so that people know who you are, what you do, and why they should do business with you.  So many times I hear excuses why people are not promoting their businesses on a daily basis and I am reminded that there are action takers and excuse makers. Ask yourself which are you?  With a kick ass attitude you are bound to rub a few people the wrong way but that is part of doing business. I have built a reputation as the man who gets things done because he I set my mind to kick ass in all I do. In going out daily and promoting who i am and what I do I have built brand awareness while also creating a buzz. I am always surprised by those who are not doing something daily to promote themselves.

Another way to kick ass is to make videos and share them across social media platforms like You Tube, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, in your blog, and on your website. I am surprised by how many times I mention the idea of having a digital footprint and people say I don’t need video and my answer is oh yes you do. It has been shown that a video will get a 15-20% higher response rate than a static advertisement. So the question is why are you not kicking ass and using video?


Independent Streak Magazine-- August 2014 USE THIS LINK-- This issue ...Getting featured in magazines and newspapers is another way to kick ass. What is your public relations and media relations strategy? I ask this question many times and I hear oh I don’t have one, I answer how do you expect people to find you? If you are not promoting yourself to the media at least once a week you may be leaving some money on the table because while your competition is advertising and having articles written about them they may be taking away your potential customers. Look for publications that reach your target audience and continue to connect with them about the great things happening in your business or the great things you are doing in your community. The magazine posted here did an article on me and my work with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life.

72a1b8d9fc4c09e0d7deb4a7c996668c.jpgOne of the ways that I help people to kick ass when maximizing their message is through my TV Show, The Anything Bucket, which airs on at 6:30 PM EST on Tuesday.I tape on Tuesday and Thursday in Boca Raton, FL. I am always amazed by those who do not come in for an interview and make excuses then when I see them they have the same story oh business is slow or I don’t think you reach my audience. These are simply excuses that may be stopping you from kicking ass. I am more surprised by those who come for the interview and won’t invest the $150 to purchase an edited clip of their appearance with their contact information to use in their marketing mix.  I have heard all the excuses and my answer is always okay but think about how much you are spending on customer acquisition and retention and what a new or existing customer represents to you.  It all goes back to the fact that you are either an action taker or excuse maker.  The idea is to use your resources and to kick ass.

Social-media-for-public-relations1Another way to kick ass is to use social media effectively by engaging the audience and having a strong call to action. Recently I posted my Relay For Life website asking everyone to visit and make a donation and one person responded with a $20 donation. If I do this daily and get this result I raise $7300 for the charity. Now in the words of my younger volunteers that is kick ass.

One of the best ways to kick ass is to simply get out in the community and get subtly up in people’s faces. This can be done by being armed with your business cards or brochures and having a plan to share your message with in 1 minute. For example Today (2/9/15)  I went business to business to collect donations for Relay For Life I made it easy as I introduced myself, asked for a donation, and if told they didn’t have money to donate I gave them my card that has the website and told them they could donate on-line. This strategy has worked  to garner donations as well as to promote my TV Show as that is mentioned on my business card as well as ways to connect with me.

FitnessIf you adopt this as your mantra and you plan your work and work your plan you will meet with success.

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I was born in Bethpage, NY. In 1972 moved to Florida. Graduated Hofstra University in 1987. I currently do Emcee Work, Inspirational Speaking, PA Announcing, Vocie Overs, and Life/Business advising.

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