Advertisement Ideas: Sell Your Why Not Your What!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Sell Your Why Not Your What!!!

finding-your-why.jpg As we begin to promote ourselves we need to make less of what we are promoting but why we are promoting it. Too  many times entrepreneurs and marketing executives get caught up in the what and forget the why. people don’t really care about the what they care more about the why you are doing things. When you engage potential clients/customers don’t tell them what you do tell them why you are doing it. A typical example in when I am asking people for donations for Relay for Life I always tell them why I am collecting using some of the programs that are funded when someone visits and makes a donation. I inform them of facts like we want to provide rides to and from treatments and doctor’s appointments for cancer patients through Road To Recovery  which provided 380,000 rides to and from medical appointments in 2013 that number is expected to increase by 10% for 2014.  The key is to let people know why you are doing something. In business it is when the customer/client buys into your why that you will have the most success with your business endeavors.   Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Sell Your Why Not Your What!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Time To Take Action!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Time To Take Action!!!!

What is on the horizon for you that will propel you to take action and maximize your message?  Have you been wanting to promote your business, however you have held back because of the perception that you can’t afford to or that the perceived risk is too great? I am here to tell you today that it is time to take action and listen to the options that are being presented to you so that you will be on the top of the mind of the consumer when they are ready to purchase your product or service. How many times have you uttered the words I am not interested only to miss out on what is a great opportunity. I run into many people who tell me I am not interested before I even explain what I am offering. The other day I was calling businesses to offer them a FREE 6 minute segment on my Internet TV Show, The Anything Bucket, which airs on at 8:00 PM EDT on Wednesday. I was surprised by how many people did not want to appear on the show. I heard excuses like I don’t have time to come and tape the show, I have tried internet before and it hasn’t worked, I even had one person tell me I did a show at that station and didn’t see an increase in my sales. I thought to myself you do no have time to take action and  come to the studio to tape a segment that you can show to potential clients. I explained to the person who stated that they tried internet advertising before and it didn’t work for them that this is not advertising it is a TV Show with 48,000 viewers of which 77% are in your local area so you should take action and do the segment so you have something to help build credibility. To the man who said he did a show and didn’t see an increase in sales I didn’t even dignify with a response because if the segment is leveraged properly it will create responses and thus leave the guest in a position to close the deal.

 It is when you create an idea then take action to implement the idea that you begin to see results. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Time To Take Action!!!!