Advertisement Ideas: Why Doctors And Big Pharma Piss Me Off!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Why Doctors And Big Pharma Piss Me Off!!!

Patent cholesterolverlager Lipitor loopt af » lipitorAs I sat in my cardiologists office debating why I did not want to take Lipitor and would do a natural holistic approach I realized just then why doctors and big pharma piss me off. Doctors piss me off because of their holier than though attitude and the belief that they are the only ones that know what is best for your treatment. Big Pharma pisses me off because of all the advertising and side effects. I asked my doctor why would I take one prescription drug that can cause other issues.  It also pisses me off that even with insurance my echo-cardiogram will cost me $250 out of my pocket.  The idea of affordable health care sounded great on paper but on practice it has done exactly the opposite of what was promised.  Doctors also piss me off because they hide behind their degrees and try to justify the high rates they charge.  It all comes down to the idea that there must be a better way.  Why is is you can buy a bottle of Tylenol in a CVS for $5.99 and the hospital wants to charge you $7 per pill come on hospital administrators give me a break.  Hospitals, doctors, big pharma, and insurance companies have become greedy money grabbers who have no regard for their patients.

Lipitor prescription drug /side effects/ LIPITOR (Atorvastatin) 80 pic ...   Here are more reasons why big pharma pisses me off, the side effects of Lipitor.

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