Advertisement Ideas: How To Build A Strong Social Media Presence

Advertisement Ideas: How To Build A Strong Social Media Presence

I am asked all the time JDOGG why do I have to have a social media presence? My answer is because if you have a strong social media presence and those who like you or follow you know you and trust you you can monetize them not only for your business but for other endeavors as well.  The next question is then how do I build a strong social media presence? The answer lies in the following process:

1: Know who you want to   The adage I like to use is some will, some won’t, some waiting, so what, next. Not everyone is meant to be your client or to support your cause.

2: Create a Brand and A Tag Line that will reach the audience- For example I am known as Jonathan JDOGG Lederman, The Spiritual Emcee Maximizing Your Message, and people who I am looking to work with and help excel have come to know my logo and often state you’re the guy with the fired up microphone logo.

JDOGG Lederman has a consistent brand and message


JDOGG Connections Build A Presence on Social Media Platforms

3: Know what social media platforms you want to use and learn how to use them or find someone who you can use to do this for you. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: How To Build A Strong Social Media Presence