Advertisement Ideas: Not Interested Stifles Business Success!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Not Interested Stifles Business Success!

Not Interested PicturesI am always amazed when I make a phone call to a business to offer them something that can really help their business and the person on the other end of the phone say we are not interested. So let’s get this straight you have  a business you need  positive exposure in the market place and a TV Show Host is calling you to offer you a chance to create a digital imprint and you are not interested. Each time this happens I hang up the phone and think did they realize that they just stifled the potential for growth and to have an advocate for their business. When I do seminars I always tell the audience to be open and receptive to everyone that calls and walks through the door(If you have a brick and mortar business) as you never know how the person you are speaking with can be of value and service to you.  Your lack of interest could be costing you the valuable dollars added to you your cash flow that is necessary to grow and expand. Your lack of interest can be driving business to the competition who was open and receptive. One business owner told that if they entertained everyone who called they would be out of business.I answered then hire someone you know, like, and trust to be the one to look over the opportunities that are being presented so as to not leave money on the table.  An appearance on my TV Show, The Anything Bucket, which airs on Tuesday at 6:30 PM EST puts you in front of over 50,000 viewers mostly women aged 25-54 earning over $100,000 annually what a great demographic to have. Then if you choose to purchase your clip for $150 you can use it across all your marketing platforms so as to create a buzz and generate more clients/customers.

not+interested.jpgAs many of you that read this blog on a regular basis are aware I volunteer with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of West Boca Raton, FL and have set up a website at  and I stand at $1614.82 raised so far, however I have  run into many people who express this phrase that they are not interested.  I find this curious for many reasons as it is proved that supporting local charities can lead to more business. I know that in 2012 when I was emceeing a Relay For Life Event one of the participants asked me what I would charge to emcee a birthday party I gave them a price and they hired me. If  I had not been interested in Relay For Life I would have missed this opportunity. I have  asked all business people who visit and make a donation to please leave a link to the website so I can share their business with my followers.  So again you can see where not being interested can be stifling your business. Think about it you make an in-kind or monetary donation and you gain exposure in the market place and pick up customers/clients that otherwise would not have known about you. I am from the old school if you give me support I will do my best to give you support. Sometimes your lack of interest costs you business because you pre-judged someone and didn’t know the sphere of their influence. Ask yourself where your lack of interest  may be costing you in the areas of brand awareness and recognition, cash flow, new customer/client procurement, and customer/client retention. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Not Interested Stifles Business Success!!!