Advertisement Ideas: Getting Past The Gatekeeper!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Getting Past The Gatekeeper!!!

 As a sales rep for La Bonita Kidz and Teenz,, I do a lot of cold calling on the phone and I run into many gatekeepers. The first thing I learned is to be polite and friendly regardless of the tone of the person answering the phone. The second thing to understand is that like you have a job to do and that is to sell them on your product or service they also have a job to do. The third thing is to be honest and let them know why you are calling. You may get the we’re not interested response, which is fine. I generally answer I know your not interested at this time, however can I email you information for future reference.  I have heard that person isn’t available. to this I will say no problem can I have their email address and can you put me through to their voice mail? Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Getting Past The Gatekeeper!!!