Advertisement Ideas: What You Can Learn From March Madness!!!

Advertisement Ideas: What You Can Learn From March Madness!!!

Each year I look forward to March as The NCAA Basketball Tournament begins. I wit for selection Sunday and then I begin to fill out my bracket and I watch with anticipation as to whether the 12 seed I picked will upset the #5 seed or will that little college that very few have heard of will make a run.  This year I decided to look at March Madness from a business perspective and saw many lessons that can be learned:

1: On any given day your bracket can be busted because what you thought would happen did not happen. When this happens in business we sit back and we make adjustments so that next time our choices work out in a more positive manner.

2: The game is not over until the final buzzer sounds. How many games have you watched that have been decided on a last second shot? In business we may be having a challenging day but right before closing we beat the buzzer and come out a head because we kept shooting. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: What You Can Learn From March Madness!!!

Advertisement Ideas:Making Your Own Opportunities!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Making Your Own Opportunities!!!

Hollande's victory is an opportunity for David Cameron to strengthen ...Imagine you are driving and you see this sign, how many of you would take the exit and how many of you would keep going allowing your self-talk to get in the way. So many times in business the opportunities to promote and advertise are staring us right in the face but  we  are so consumed with why not to advertise that we turn them down.  The main key to finding opportunities is to remember you are your brand and to share who you are and what you do with as many people as possible as you never know who can benefit from you being of service and value. Exchanging business cards is a great form of advertising and when used and followed up upon will create opportunities. I remember a day I was sitting in Starbucks with my FREE HUGS Sign and a patron came to inquire about what I was doing and that person needed a speaker for her event and asked what I would charge I gave her my fee and she booked me to come speak to her organization. In sharing who I was and what I did I made my own opportunity.

Do You Know How To Create OpportunityOpportunities abound all around us and when we begin to seek the opportunities they will be found and we will prosper. The other day I was making phone calls to secure donations for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of West Boca, an event I am very passionate about and have raised $1844.61 so far to help cancer patients, their friends, and their families. As I asked for a donation the gentleman on the other end started to use words like I am broke, it has been a struggle, and I can’t afford. I pointed out that these were words of scarcity and that is why he may be having a challenging time. He is a mortgage broker and I know how challenging this field can be at times, however I asked have you gone to banks, to homeowner;s associations, or other entities that can benefit from your service. His answer no those are great ideas though. I asked if he had developed informational products like an e-book, a dvd, or audio cd, that could be sold to those in the residential or commercial real estate market. His answer was no.  As I hung up the phone I thought if one is to succeed in any business they need to take initiative to find opportunities. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas:Making Your Own Opportunities!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Going Over The Top!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Go Over The Top!!!

In football going over the top has been a way to effectively achieve the objective of getting first downs and touchdowns. In going over the top a player puts himself at risk for the best interest of the team. In business and in non-profit organizations going over the top can be very risky as the message or your actions may not resonate with the audience you are attempting to reach or may not be in line with the hierarchy of an organization.  I have  often been the one to go over the top be it break dancing at a leadership conference or asking for donations on a parade route or hanging up a FREE HUGS sign at my local Starbucks. Sometimes my over the top actions have yielded great fruits and scored me many points while at other times I have  been thrown for a loss.  The risk of being an over the top thinker and implementor is great however the rewards this thinking yields makes it all worth it on many occasions.  I was told that many people who meet me for the first time don’t know what to make of my over the top thinking or actions and that this thinking may be  creating challenges in my personal and professional life.  I believe that in order to succeed you must be an over the top thinker because sometimes it is the crazy actions that get noticed and rewarded. I remember one day I was about 14 years old volunteering at The Muscular Dystrophy Association Telethon and I decided to get the audience to pledge money for the amount of push ups I could do in a minute. Some thought I was crazy but I knew exactly that doing something unique and different I could raise some much-needed funds for those with neuromuscular diseases. I grabbed the microphone and said Hello, I am Jonathan Lederman and I am asking everyone to make a pledge for the amount of push-ups I could do in a minute so we can help the kids who can’t do push-ups because of Muscular Dystrophy. I did 52 push-ups and raised over $500. I remember standing up at a Jaycees meeting when a local chapter was on the verge of cancelling their Spreading The Joy program and I said what if we ask people we do business with to donate. I was told we never did that before. I asked why not the worst they can tell us is no. I asked them to give me two weeks as we were going to meet again in two weeks they said okay. Well at the next meeting I stood up as told them I secured monetary donations in the amount of $2500 and in-kind donations of over $1000. They asked how I said I just asked. I also told them about the door blocks I set up at the local KMART where we would simply ask customers for donations. They were hesitant at first and didn’t want to do it so I said okay I’ll go on the first day and if anyone wants to join me great if not that is okay too. On that first day I collected over $500 and recruited 15 chaperones for The Holiday Shopping Spree.  That year, 1989, saw us take 64 needy children holiday shopping and feeding 30 needy families. Simply by being an over the top thinker I have  found success. The lesson here is to take a risk and go over the top. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Going Over The Top!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Pounding It Hard!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Pounding It Hard!!!


Description Basketball game.jpgIn basketball when we say someone is pounding the paint it is a compliment. The mentality to go hard to the basket should translate to you in business as you need to be pounding the paint, your area to cultivate new clients/customers. In basketball we refer to the ball as the rock and when that rock goes in it is a success. Getting the rock in the paint and scoring baskets doesn’t come easy it comes with hard work, dedication, and a commitment to be better every time you take to the court.  In business clients/customers just don’t appear you need a plan of action to get them and keep them.

Gerald Green Slam Dunk ChampionIn basketball a slam dunk excites the home crowd and energizes the team. In business sometimes you have to go above the rim and throw down a monstrous dunk to excite your clients/customers and energize your brand. Ask yourself how can I pound it hard and create a slam dunk? One way is to look at your resources like your phone. When was the last time you connected with a past client/customer to see if they needed your product or service or if they knew someone who could benefit from doing business with you. I was recently in a jewelry store and the gentleman behind the counter who identified himself as the owner was complaining how bad things were and how his sales were off. I asked what are you doing to promote your business? His answer nothing. There is your answer you can not score points and garner clients/customers or retain clients/customers if you do nothing. I suggested he take out his phone and every day call 10 clients/customers that he hasn’t seen in a while and ask them if they have gold to sell or know anyone who is looking to sell gold. His answer was I don’t have time for that. I thought wow you just told me your business is off and you don’t have time to build it.  I told him my theory about pounding it hard, which is to go out and hit the streets and find the people who are in your target audience and hand them information about who you are, what you, do and why they should be doing business with you. He said no people will come I have been here for 20 years. I said thank you and wished him luck. I went down the street to another jewelry store and the owner who I knew through some of my sales/marketing jobs said to me JDOGG things are doing well I have those calendars you like. I thanked him and asked him what he was doing and he say like you always say pounding it hard, I have  my street team out everyday flooding the area with fliers announcing my specials, I have people calling past clients/customers to update records, I am sending out mailers to a target specific audience, I am attending networking events, and supporting charities. I left thinking that is why one business struggles while another thrives. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Pounding It Hard!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Miyagi Says Focus!!!!

 Pat Morita  (Mr. Miyagi) teaches Ralph Macchio (Daniel Son) an important life lesson about focusing. The scene that is very poignant is Miyagi says wax on wax off focus.I used to walk around my office sharing this with my fellow staff members so as to motivate them. It worked as a great strategy.

Advertisement Ideas: Miyagi Says Focus!!!!

I was out in the community representing Life Publications today and  realized just how many people couldn’t answer the question of who their ideal client was. I began to think if you do not know who your ideal client is then how can you stay focused and build your brand and increase your revenue. One particular business  asked me what I was selling I said eventually I would like to put together an advertising program for you but first I wanted to know who your ideal client is so that I can see if my magazine would be a good fit for you. I was told I am not interested to which I replied sorry to hear that because outside of the advertising I believe I could have been of service and value to you.  I continued to stay focused and use this approach as I continued to peel back the onion by asking questions of the potential advertisers that I was calling on. I was doing the sales calls cold, which is not something I recommend, however those that I have relationships with are already in the magazine working with other reps. As I finished making the sales calls I began to realize that their must be a focus on marketing so as to create top of the mind awareness with those that are in your ideal client profile.

Advertisement Ideas: Strategic Focus

When was the las time you sat down and  did a real introspection of where your focus is and what strategic partnerships I should be focusing on?  Have you looked for a strategy focus that will build your brand? Have you sat down with others to get their input on strategies? Have you sought out groups or organizations that are synergistic with your focus? Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Miyagi Says Focus!!!!