Advertisement Ideas: Lack Or Abundance – What Mindset Are You?

Advertisement Ideas: Lack Or Abundance – What Mindset Are You?

 As I was out collecting donations for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of West Boca Raton today (6/24/2015) I ran into many people who were coming from a lack mindset. You may ask how I knew this, the answer was in the word’s they used like I can’t afford, business is slow, or how do I know this is legit. These words only hinder us in our personal and professional life as we hold ourselves back.One encounter at The Imperial Cuts Barber Shop really made me realize that as business people we must stop using the lack words and start tapping into our ability to create abundance. In the course of my presentation the owner stated business is slow  on 4 occasions to which I sated if you keep thinking things are slow it will remain slow and I did my best to explain that there is plenty of business to be had if he would get out of  the shop and start to meet people and share his business. His answer was he didn’t have time. I though okay you just told me things were slow, you were given a few solutions and you made an excuse that you did not have time. It was at that time that I realized that he was coming from a lack mentality. I also have started to put people into two categories action takers and excuse makers. The action taker comes from an abundance mentality and takes action thus making things happen for their business. On the other side is the excuse maker who will come from a position of lack and find every reason not to seek opportunities.  I ask you to take a look at how you are expressing yourself and evaluate if you are coming from a lack mindset or an abundance mindset.  Look at the opportunities that exist and take full advantage of them by shifting from a lack mentality to an abundance mindset.  Instead of being an excuse maker start to become and action taker.  Instead of saying I can’t afford start finding ways to invest in yourself and your business. Imagine if Imperial Cuts would have said thank you for coming in and here is $5 for your cause. They would have gotten shout outs on my Facebook Page, on my Twitter Account, and recommendations to my friends in the area who needed a hair cut. Instead they get used as an example of a business that is coming from a position of lack.

If you are to truly succeed in your business you will want to come from a position of abundance in all you do.  Everything you do in business should give the perception of success from the way you answer the phone to what you put out on social media. Instead of complaining you can take action and improve the way things are going. Ask people what they think when they see you brand or hear your business name or your name. In coming from a position of abundance as opposed to lack you  will see a loyalty from your existing customers and they will be more likely to recommend you to others.  If you create an atmosphere where your business is perceived as thriving people will want to do business with you. I am reminded of the story of two steak places in my community one would donate gift cards to every charitable organization that asked while the other said no. One steak house would pay $15 per hour while the other paid $8, one would allow the manager to make marketing and advertising decisions while the other did not. Guess who is still in business and who is not? Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Lack Or Abundance – What Mindset Are You?

Advertisement Ideas: Why Community Involvement Works?

Advertisement Ideas: Why Community Involvement Works?

Image result for Jonathan JDOGG LedermanSince I was 11 years old I have been involved in some aspect of community service be it raising funds for The Muscular Dystrophy Association or today raising funds for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. In my years of  doing community service I have found that businesses that place an emphasis on supporting the community tend to out perform those who do not? Why is this? It is because the average consumer likes to do business with those they perceive as giving back to the community.  A great example of  why community involvement works was witnessed by me when I approached The Skyline Chili in Sunrise, Fl. The proprietors Tony and Jenny were very open to the idea of doing give back nights for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Sunrise, FL . I had never eaten at Skyline Chili until the night of our first give back night   and since that time I have eaten there on several occasions. They have seen an increase in their business as a result of doing these give back nights as they support many charitable causes and have gained a reputation as an establishment that supports the community.  In supporting the community you receive positive advertising that you could not buy. In the case of Skyline Chili they received positive promotion on the radio show I hosted, mentions in videos done at the fundraiser, and mentions in my blog and across my social media.  In helping me and my cause they gained a customer and an advocate.

Image result for Jonathan JDOGG LedermanI had the privilege of doing a  fundraiser with Tijuana Flats recently as part of their spirit night program. The spirit night is a night where a charity receives 20% of the sales during a certain time for their organization. This gives Tijuana Flats great exposure and brings in people who may normally not have Tijuana Flats on the top of their mind. As a result of doing the fundraiser I learned about Taco Tuesday and now I am a regular customer. My spirit night raised $149 for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of West Boca Raton. I spend an average of $11 as I get desert and sides with my Taco Tuesday Order. Do the math just from me alone they will get the money donated back. It was interesting The GM said to me that night “JDOGG I either give it to you or I give it to Uncle Sam I would rather give it to you,” I thought for a minute and it hit me by doing a give back night not only does he get positive exposure in the marketplace he also gets a nice charitable write-off that allows him to make a profit and as a result stay open and employ more people from the community. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Why Community Involvement Works?