Advertisement Ideas: Get Up And Get Out!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Get Up And Get Out!!!

Get Outside Many time entrepreneurs will struggle because they forget the fundamental rule that engagement with people is a key element to success. Many entrepreneurs will sit behind their computers and not see why they aren’t as widely known as they should be or why their sales are not higher than they are. Many entrepreneurs get caught up in the symptom I like to refer to as paralysis by over analysis. They will sit and wonder why sales are down and dictate to their team that they must increase sales but won’t show them how to increase sales.  The easiest way to increase sales is to reach more people and to be of service and value. One great way to reach people with you message is to simply get our in the community. When was the last time you got up from behind the computer and went out to introduce yourself to your neighboring businesses? I have often subscribed to the belief  that if you walk the neighborhood where you have an office and get to know your neighbors that you will be on the top of their mind when they are seeking your products or services or they will recommend you when someone else that they know is seeking your products and services.  I remember a day I was working at The Happy Herald when I told the owner/publisher I will be back in a couple of hours I am going to visit all of our neighbors and share the newspaper with them. She asked why and I said because they may want to advertise or know someone that wants to advertise. This was very effective as I signed up a few advertisers and generated a few more leads.One would think the owner and sales manager would have been happy instead of thanking me for taking the initiative they pointed out that it was not my job to go solicit business. A few months later I left the company. Remember if you have employees it is important for them to get up and get out and share the company with others. This practice should become second nature as it can lead to increased brand awareness and cash flow. The bottom line is at the end of the day a big component is cash flow. If your sales are down look at how you are sharing your business with others and how many times you are out in the community letting people know who you are and what you do. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Get Up And Get Out!!!

Advertisement Ideas: How To Create Positive Cash Flow!!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: How To Create Positive Cash Flow!

Uterine Fury Records - Happiness Is Positive Cash Flow As a marketing and media relations specialist I am asked many times JDOGG how is this going to create positive cash flow? The simplicity of the situation is that advertising is meant to create traffic and by creating traffic and fulfilling the desires of the consumer you will create positive cash flow. The first thing you need to do to create positive cash flow is to understand what your client/customer wants. A great example is my customer wants exposure in the market place so I create a strategy for them to get this exposure and I charge fees for the program that they choose. In promoting their business and getting results I am able to garner a fee and thus create positive cash flow.  A colleague of mine Ken Esrig speaks of putting yourself in a dollar bill sandwich where you put your name on the top of a paper with 5 dollar signs on one side of your name and 5 dollar signs on the other side of your name to illustrate that money flows to you and from you.  It is important to understand that everything you do in business has a value and the key is to maximize the return on your investment so that you will create positive cash flow. The mindset should be one that I will maximize my message and that I will make smart choices and be open to receive so as to create positive cash flow. The question now is how do I create positive cash flow?

Advertisement Ideas: Ways To Create Positive Cash Flow!!!

To create positive cash flow you must put yourself in a positive money mindset understanding that you have enough and that there is abundance available to you. You must shift your mindset from the lack paradigm to the prosperity paradigm. Someone coming from lack uses words like I can’t afford, I don’t have a budget for that, I don’t see how this will benefit me.  A person coming from prosperity says I can do that how much is I will find a way to do it, I am amble to fit it into my budget, this will benefit me. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: How To Create Positive Cash Flow!!!!!