Advertisement Ideas: You Can’t Please Everyone!!!

Advertisement Ideas: You Can’t Please Everyone!!!

I have come to learn that you could take what you believe to be great actions and achieve excellent results but that you will still have people who complain. Such was the case recently when I went to Legends on a Friday Night to collect donations for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life.I asked the GM for permission to go table to table and ask the patrons he said yes and I ended up collecting $34 in about a 30 minutes. I found out today that some patrons complained and that the owner called The American Cancer Society to complain that this hurt his business. I was told I should have arranged to set up a table and allow patrons to come to me. I explained that on that night it was a spur of the moment to go and collect. I can understand that the owner would be upset as a few customers complained. What he didn’t see was how many people showed appreciation and the one women who was helped because I gave her the 1-800-acs-2345 number for her to call to get support as her husband was recently diagnosed with cancer. What the executive director and event lead didn’t see was that many people now have brochures and may support relay. I learned a long time ago that your actions are not going to please everyone and that some will, some won’t, so what, some waiting, next.

In being authentic and not being afraid to speak my mind and take action I have managed to raise the ire of some people while I have also been able to motivate and inspire others. I have learned that when you do thing on your terms and your way you are not going to please everyone.  This is why when I work with clients I ask them to define their niche market as not everyone will be your customer. As you do things and take action you are going to have some people who have nothing better to do than to complain.In the business sector today there is a tendency to focus on the complaints as the trend is to complain instead of to praise. I was at Starbucks one day and they are a National Corporate Partner with The American Cancer Society and one lady complained to the manager about me having my canister on my table. The manager said I can not have the canister on my table any more. I found this odd as I am a regular customer and the lady that complained hasn’t been back since that day.  What has happened and what is wrong with the corporate and non-profit sector is that they have begun to major in the minor and try to please everyone and as a result are leaving money on the table. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: You Can’t Please Everyone!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Customer Service Is The Key!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Customer Service Is The Key!!!!


 As I sit in The Lou Bachrodt Chevrolet dealership in Coconut Creek, FL waiting for the repairs to be completed as a result of receiving recall notices I begin to think about the experience with Lou Bachrodt. When I came in last week I was told they couldn’t get to my car as the repairs required and I would have to come back. Today I arrived at 9:30 AM and waited until nearly 10 AM to be taken in. I told the service person that I only need the recall notices taken care of and his reply okay I guess we are not making any money on you today. If The recall repairs weren’t very necessary I would have left as a result. I am one who believes regardless if you are making money on me or not you should treat me with dignity and respect. This particular service rep is very good at what he does, however he could use some training in dealing with customers. I have always taught smile at the customer, engage the customer, and leave the customer  happy so they will share that good experience with others. As I have stated in the past one oh crap ruins 1000 at a boys. The key is to do as Dale Carnegie says is to win friends and influence people.  The fact that I knew I was going to be at the dealership all day enabled me to plan my work for the day and thus remain productive. I made plans to deliver what I promised and thus began my day at the dealership with an attitude to be of service and value to all those I come in contact with.  As I sit in the waiting area I have seen many of the employees walk by and many seem to be unhappy. This energy does not serve the dealership well an can explain why some of the customers seem unhappy as well.

 One of the employees at the dealership actually made me feel welcome as he interacted me and answered my inquiry about a power source in a very cheerful way. he was someone who gets it. He understood that what he does made a difference. Your employees can be a great form of advertising if they carry a positive attitude and interact positively with your clients.  In advertising your business make it a point to mention your customer satisfaction rate if it is high and how you do your best to make your customers happy.  The key is to deliver outstanding customer service so that when people recognize you brand it creates a buzz where people say I do business with that company and they always deliver. In creating an atmosphere focused on excellent customer service you will begin to create customer loyalty and thus enhance the customer experience. Ask yourself when you awake in the morning how can I be of service and value to those I will come in contact with today. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Customer Service Is The Key!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Using Gratitude To Build Your Brand!!!!


Advertisement Ideas: Using Gratitude To Build Your Brand!!!!

Today’s blog was inspired by a conversation I was having with a gentleman at Starbucks about how people don’t send cards anymore and I mentioned Kat Wagman’s book Why Thank You to illustrate a point about the importance to show gratitude in your business dealings. I then tought of Sandy Harper and her gratitude boot camp. I then found the photo and of the rock above and began to realize the importnace of showing gratitude in building your brand. When was the last time you sat down and wrote a thank you card to a client for their business? When was the last time you sent a thank you note to an employee?  When was the last time you sent a thank you to a reporter for doing a story about you or posting your event?

 Coach Shantel Springer founded 100 Days of Gratitude and has been teaching people the importance of gratitude. I had the opportunity to attend one of her seminars and now keep a gratitude journal and every time that I assume the attitude of gratitude I find my day to go smoother and I begin to attract positive things into my life as a result. When you use teaching found at you can learn techniques to build your brand through gratitude. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Using Gratitude To Build Your Brand!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Wake Up and Make It Happen

Advertisement Ideas: Wake Up and Make It Happen

I was going to title this blog Wake The F Up America but wanting to keep the blog PG related I decided to title it Wake Up and Make It Happen. How many of you have called BS on the message to the right saying it can’t be done or it takes too  much money to make it happen, or I’ll never be able to do that? These negative beliefs are the beliefs that are stopping you from waking up ans making it happen. I am not here to tell you it is going to be easy because it takes some work and time. I am not here to blow smoke up your rear either and I am not going to pee on your shoes and tell you it is raining. I am here to tell you that with the right strategy and the right attitude and making the right connections you will make it happen. Let’s break down these 10 questions to help you to plan, implement, and evaluate the steps needed to take action to make it happen. I learned these in The Junior Chamber Of Commerce(Jaycees) and many have used them to become successful in their personal and professional life.

1: What is the primary purpose? This is a way to formulate your mission statement

2: What are the goals and objectives? This will help you see the big picture and to stay focused

3: What is The Manpower?This will help you to decide who you should seek to help

4:What Materials, Supplies, and Resources will be needed? This will help you in making your choices?

5: What Are The Potential Problems and Solutions?This will alleviate having to guess.

6: What is the Budget?- This will help in determining the cash outlay and pay back.

7: What are the steps necessary and the completion dates?  This will help you to stay focused

8: What revisions have you made to the original plan: tweaking the plan is always good practice

9: What Changes would you recommend for a similar project?

10: Give Specific and Measurable Results and a Summary of the project? Being able to give a summary  will help you to improve as you grow.

These questions were used to plan and implement and evaluate special projects that The Jaycees Ran. They translate into business as it lays out an opportunity to wake up and make it happen. It is when you have a road map to follow and adjust to that you are most successful. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Wake Up and Make It Happen