Advertisement Ideas:Keeping Your Doors Open!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Keeping Your Doors Open!!!

   I was out collecting donations for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Boca Raton on Wednesday (3/23/2016) when I went into OXXO Cleaners and the gentleman said he wasn’t in a position to donate and was giving me a sob story about how he was putting money from other businesses into this cleaning business to keep it afloat. I began to ask him questions and give him some solutions.He said you know what I am going to give you a donation and he handed me a $20 bill. W discussed further ways that we can be of service and value to one another. I share this story to illustrate to you that messages are coming to you and it is time to wake up and heed the messages as things are happening for a reason. The idea is to be in a position to keep your doors open and to make a profit. I have often said and I teach that if business isn’t coming to you go out and find the business. I was an assistant manager at a Footlocker Store in Wellington, FL and I managed to beat all the projections because everywhere I went I would hand out my Footlocker cards. When we did a Friends and family promotion I would ask for 1000 of the coupons because I knew if I walked the mall and the area around the mall and went to the high schools in the area we would see a return on our investment. When I did this the first time I was told by a district manager that is not what the promotion was intended for. I answered did we or did we not just increase our year to date sales by 200% by doing it this way. I was told yes but that was not the intention. I started to wonder if you are not increasing your sales then why are you keeping your doors open. I often wonder how people get into a position without a vision of growth. Sometimes to truly be successful you must do things differently to keep the doors open.  Every where I have ever worked I have been sales oriented and have done things a bit differently. My first retail job at Oaktree Men’s clothing in 1988 was quite the experience as I became the top salesman in the country.I was asked how I did this and I answered I simple shared who I was and where I worked with others and when they came to the store I asked questions and was able to find what they were looking for and as a result made many sales. The answer to keeping your doors open is being proactive in the market place and doing things a bit differently than others.

I have always thought of myself as a problem solver. I have found that those who put judgement and EGO aside and listen to me become successful as I come up with practical solutions. In today’s market place if you do not have a web presence you need to develop one by defining your target audience and giving them a reason to come to your store. I have found that those who think they know everything stat to lose everything because they are not open to outside thinking. The solution is to see what is working in the industry you are in and find a way to be a step ahead of everyone else. If you are a sports related store you should be doing things that are sports related in your marketing for example You know every March that The NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament Takes Place and is referred to as March Madness so why not do a special March Madness promotion that appeals to those who follow the tournament.  Every day there is a special day designated on the calendar so look up the special days and do promotions around the day. A great resource for marketing ideas is Heidi Richard’s Mooney’s Book Quirky Marketing Ideas.

The idea is to stand out from everyone else by being creative so that you can keep your doors open. When you come up with an idea it is important to implement it and promote it accordingly with enough lead time to make it effective. You can just say oh let’s do a 20% off sale today and put a sign in the window. You must plan the work and work the plan. It is paramount to go where you customers are and give them a reason to do business with you so that you can keep your doors open.

 A few years ago I partnered with Skyline Chili and did a monthly fundraiser that brought additional business to their Sunrise Location. I had a comprehensive plan which included making videos the night of the event to show people what we were doing. I would post these videos across social media and as a result over $5000 was raised for the charity which was 20% of the sales. I would also do shout outs on my radio show that I hosted at the time, Get Motivated with Jonathan JDOGG Lederman. If you want to keep your doors open you must be willing to do things differently. In this world there are two types of people action takers and excuse makers. Which one are you?



Advertisement Ideas: Opportunity Knocking!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Opportunity Knocking!!!

 We are given many opportunities to grow in our personal and professional life and many times we do not answer the opportunity knocking on the door and we look back and wonder what if?  It is time to tune into the universal messages that are around us and to create opportunities by being aware of the potential that exists to achieve our goals. Today I was sitting at Starbucks and had my collection canister for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Sunrise when a young woman said I remember Relay For Life I handed her a brochure and said I am collecting donations and she put $5 in the canister proving again that all you have to do is ask and create opportunities to ask.  I have written several times about implementing a 3 foot rule where you have information about projects or businesses you represent and being prepared to share with those within 3 feet of you.  I was at the bank today and a you man with a business called Road To Hollywood was next to me we began speaking about Celebrity Sports, a memorabilia store that I work with located at 1825 N. Pine Island Road in Plantation, FL as well as my TV Show, The Anything Bucket, which airs on on Tuesday at 6:30 PM EDT. He asked for my card and I am confident he will contact me. The key is to make opportunities and to take action. Every where you go you have an opportunity to engage people and create opportunities.I always say what is the worst they can say no or I am not interested. This is when the principle of some will, some, won’t so what, some waiting, next comes into play. If you do not create opportunities to share who you are and what you do you will leave money on the table and at the end of the day it takes money to pay bills, take trips, go to sporting events, go out to dinner, buy groceries and basically anything you desire in your life.

Each day there is an opportunity to excel and attract those who will enhance your personal and professional life. Many are held back because they are so worried about what people will think that they find every excuse to shy away from opportunities. They become limited in their beliefs and leave money on the table or they are so quick to judge that they don’t approach someone to share with.  Many times when we take the opportunity to do something we may ruffle some feathers because it is not the way another person would have gone about doing something. This was evident when I was collecting donations for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Sunrise at The City’s 4th of July Festivities and told that it wasn’t the appropriate place to collect donations by one of the city employees who actually does fundraising for Relay For Life. Of course I explained why it is appropriate and how most everyone is receptive to what I am doing. She said okay. Now some people did complain but at the end of the day what was important is that most gave cheerfully and I collected $250 toward helping those touched by cancer. My Donation Page is My methodology of raising funds has been questioned on many occasion because I simply just get out there and take advantage of the opportunity to use my voice to make the ask. I also see things differently and think differently. Such was the case yesterday as I ordered a bottle of Pink Lemonade and I noticed the phone number of the distributor so i called and asked if they could donate some product to Relay. They said send an email and I did. They replied to call them and they would do something. I am sure when I tell the committee I did this they will say it wasn’t my place to do it and I will reply did you think to do it.Of course they didn’t because many have not learned the art of looking for opportunities and do not have the mindset to create opportunities. I use Relay as a great lead in to set up other opportunities that I can share with people. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Opportunity Knocking!!!

Advertisement Ideas: I Like It On Top!!!

Advertisement Ideas: I Like It In Top!!!

 I have always believed that it is important to be proactive in all you do and to be on top of events that can positively impact your business.  If you are to get to the top in your chosen field you must stay up with the current events that affect that field. As the regular readers of this blog know I work with Celebrity Sports, The Ultimate Gift Store, located at 1825 N. Pine Island Road in Plantation, FL. We sell sports and non-sports memorabilia. We rely heavily on walk in traffic and our Facebook promotions to make sales. Each day I look for something industry related that we can capitalize on so as to create a buzz about the store and drive traffic.  Today Peyton Manning is announcing his retirement thus I took pictures of some of The Peyton Manning Memorabilia and began to post it on our Facebook Page and on my personal Facebook Page. I am working on convincing the manager and owner to put up a website as I was very surprised that it today’s market where more and more people are going to the internet to look for goods and services that they did not have one. In order to get to the top in your industry and get a nice piece of the monetary pie you must keep up with technology. If you are to reach your desired target audience and be on the top you must be ahead of everyone else and do things that are  unique and different. If you are going to drive business to you it is imperative to have innovative advertisement ideas and promote them. I had come up with an idea to put 50 balloons around the store and when some spent at least $25 have them pick a balloon to pop and inside would be some type of award such as a 10% discount or a FREE Wax Pack. I suggested we put out fliers in the community, send out emails, and promote this concept. I was told no we don’t have customers and nothing is working by my manager.  I have always believed that to be the best you must stay a step ahead of everyone else and say yes to new innovative marketing ideas. If you are going to be on top you must have a vision and a strategy to get to the top.

 If you create traffic you will have a chance to be of service and value to those who walk through your doors and as a result you have it all and be on top in your industry. In delivering outstanding customer service and understanding what value you deliver you will see your sales increase. I have this method I greet the customer with  in 10 seconds of them entering the store, I ask questions, I show them some items and then I allow the to look around. In doing this I have been successful in every retail position that I have ever held. When I first started working retail I worked for The Oaktree Men’s Clothing Store and within 3 weeks I became the top sales person in the country. I was asked how I did this by the regional manager. My answer was I set goals and I took action to exceed those goals, one way to make sure I interacted with every customer and gave them a great shopping experience. As I continued to do this word got around that Jonathan at Oaktree is the man to see if you need men’s clothing. I left Oaktree and went to work for Merle Harmon’s Fan Fair, which specialized in sports apparel and collectibles. I took the store from a $400 a day store to a $2500 a day store. I was asked how and I simply said I went out and told people about the store and invited them to shop. When they came to shop again I made sure they had a good experience. The key to being on top is to make sure you are sharing your business with others and insuring that they have a good experience. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: I Like It On Top!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Assert Your Talents!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Assert Your Talents!!!

I have often stated that when you can find a good mix between spirituality and business you will be rewarded. It is when you use your talents for good that you begin to be rewarded. In coming from a spiritual base you will have those who will not understand you and will do all they can to block you from success. In business when you begin to conduct yourself driven by spiritual laws you will see that not only does your business life improve your personal life also improves. It is when you use your talents that you are prospered.  So many people have talents that they do not assert because of coming from a place of lack instead of a  place of abundance. I witness daily so many talented people who can be doing better financially if they would only realize that they have a talent that the world wants. I have seen so many people work from fear that they never thrive and are in the same place today as they were a year ago. I have observed many businesses go out of business because they didn’t use their talents to better themselves and others.

One of my talents is the ability to speak to total strangers and engage them in conversation. I have been able to use this talent now going on 17 years for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. Sometimes my fearless approach brings on some complaints because people don’t know my story and many don’t want to hear my story or many don’t understand that using my talent in this manner works for me. I ask you how many people have you shared your business with today, how have you promoted your talent, how have you built value.  In using my talent over the last 16 years in this manner I have been able to raise over $35,000 for The American Cancer Society. In the course of doing this I have managed to have my fair share of complaints because when you do things differently others will not understand. There are those that say I am too over the top or that this is not the way to fundraise. I always look to see how they are using their talents and improving their personal, professional, and spiritual lives. I then take a deep breath and realize that they haven’t come to the understanding that it is okay to assert your talents. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Assert Your Talents!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Slow Down and Do Things Differently!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Slow Down and Do Things Differently!!!

As I watched John Kasich speak about finishing #2 in New Hampshire and heard him talk about slowing down I couldn’t help but think how many business people are going so fast that they are missing out on opportunities. As he completed his speech and challenged the audience to slow down and get to know people I immediately though what a novel idea especially for those involved in retail. When I work in the store Celebrity Sports in Plantation, FL I make it a point to greet every customer and to engage with them so that I can get to know them understanding that even if they do not buy something on that day they may come back and buy an item because they will remember how they were treated. In all of my retail positions I have held I have subscribed to the idea that everyone who walks through the door can be of service and value in some way so take time to help everyone. I also have this attitude when some one calls me as I answer my phone hello this is Jonathan JDOGG Lederman how can I be of service and value to you. I have found that by slowing down and doing things a bit differently that I have had success. When I was hired in March of 1988 at Oaktree I made it a point to treat everyone with respect who entered the store. As a result I became the top salesman in the country for this men’s clothing store. I went from Oaktree to Meryl Harmon’s Fan Fair  and I took sales from $400 a day to over $2500 per day simply by getting to know people and making everyone feel special. Over the years I have used this same philosophy of slowing down and doing things differently in my fundraising activities and a s a result I have been successful. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Slow Down and Do Things Differently!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Always Make Time!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Always Make Time!!!

Today’s entry  is inspired by Ah Snagg CPA located  at 460 N. University Drive in Lauderhill whose phone number is 954-749-9722 as he taught the lesson of how not to treat someone when they are cold calling. I walked in unannounced as I often do when out collecting donations for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. I saw he was with a client so I apologized for interrupting and asked if I could leave a flier about Relay For Life and he immediately got irate called me rude said he couldn’t help and that he was with a client. I fully understood this and thanked him for his time. he continued to go on and tell me that the work I was doing was meaningless and then threatened to call the police. I understand I interrupted his flow of business however I was polite. All he saw was someone in jeans and a tee shirt and a ball cap and didn’t realize that I could have been of service and value to him.  This encounter really got me to thinking about how many so-called professionals are struggling because of making judgments and not giving people time. I have always said that I may be a solicitor today however in the future I could be a client or be someone who recommends potential clients to you. Ask yourself what type of feeling am I leaving when I interact with others and how is that interaction affecting my business.

In business today it is imperative to understand the importance of making people feel good and leaving them with what I call a warm fuzzy about their encounter with you. When Ah Snagg said my  work was meaningless this upset me and I thought wow I won’t be recommending him to any of my business associates. I had a great idea about how he could have helped The American Cancer Society and also strengthened his brand. It was a simply host a FREE Workshop on Charitable Giving for the volunteers. As a result of doing the workshop he may have picked up a few clients. I guess Ah Snagg didn’t realize that he had an opportunity to tap into  volunteers simply by making time and being kind. Instead everyone who reads this entry will now think twice before they do business with him. The important thing to remember is to be kind to everyone for the people you see on the way up will be the same people you see on the way down. I would recommend that Ah Snagg and all those who aren’t making time for people grab a copy of Don Miguel Ruiz’s Four Agreements and apply the principles.

In adopting these four agreements you will see a dramatic change in your ability  to  make time for people and your image in the community. How many times have you ignored someone who came into your business or your office because of the way they looked or the way they were dressed.  How many times did you lose out on opportunities that would have enhanced your image because you were quick to judge. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Always Make Time!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Turning Browsers Into Buyers!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Turning Browsers Into Buyers!!!

If you have worked in retail you have heard oh I am just looking. When I hear this I ask what are you looking for? By doing this I get an idea if  the customer is truly interested or is wasting my time. In not asking yes or no questions you open up the dialogue and thus you increase your chance of turning a browser into a buyer. I work with Celebrity Sports in Plantation, FL and I believe that everyone who walks into the store can be made into a customer. When I am in the store I make it a point to start conversations that will lead me to show the customer something that will peak their interest and as a result they will make a purchase. In knowing the merchandise and being able to show the customer what we have increase the opportunity to turn them from a browser to a buyer.

When I graduated from Hofstra University in 1987 I went to work for The Oaktree Men’s Clothing Store in Boca Raton, FL as a management trainee. With in 3 weeks I was the #1 salesperson in the country for this division of Edison Brothers Stores. I was asked by The Regional Vice President How I managed to be #1 in the country in a short period of time. I simply replied I turned the browsers into buyers. He then asked how did I do that. I said I greeted everyone within 5-10 seconds of coming into the store and asking them what brought them to Oaktree today. In doing so I began to build relationships with customers who then became regular customers. I remember a businessman from Chicago came in and was seeking casual wear for meetings he was attending and I helped him and he said he came into town every 3-5 weeks. I told him stop in when you are here and see our new arrivals. It turned out that he did just that and on average spent $300 with me. In getting to know your customers you can turn them from browsers to buyers.

I am asked by people all the time JDOGG what of you do not have a brick and mortar business and you aren’t selling tangible items then how do you turn browsers into buyers? My answer is by having a service that they seek and building their trust after all people like to work with people they know, like, and trust. If you have a website make sure you have a page where they can book your services and pay for them ahead of time. If you have merchandise like CDS, DVD’S. Books, and other materials make sure they can order hem and pay for them. In having a strong call to action you will be able to turn browsers into buyers.

 Many of us spend an inordinate amount of time networking and  we find ourselves dealing with many browsers. The question is how do we turn these browsers into buyers. The answer is to have something they desire, something that solves a problem, something that is relevant and resonating. It is important to follow-up with everyone who you get a business card from within 24-48 hours with a clear and consistent message that has a strong call to action at the end.  I strongly suggest setting up a one on one and finding out what they are looking for and letting them know how you can be of service and value to them.

As many of you that read this blog you know I host a TV Show, The Anything Bucket, which airs on WRPBiTV. I invite many people to be on the show and give them the option of buying a fully edited clip of their appearance on my show for $200, which is a great deal to have a very useful tool to turn browsers into buyers. I explain the value of having the clip and how it can be used on their website, across social media platforms, and in all their marketing materials. I have found that those who purchase the clip and use it effectively increase their brand awareness and their cash flow.  I have seen many of the people who came into the studio as browsers become buyers because my producer and I explain the value and how if they follow our suggestions they will have some success. I do not sell everyone the clip and I understand not everyone will be a buyer. The key is to have the mindset to always be closing in order to turn browsers into buyers.

Use your platforms to turn browsers into buyers!!! Stay Positive!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Make The Ask!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Make The Ask!!!

In 1991 I was member of The Jaycees, also know as The Junior Chamber Of Commerce and I was asked to be President of  the newly formed Tamarac Jaycees. The chapter would be chartered with 22 members and we would end the year with 67 members. Through out the year I kept telling everyone that if you want to be successful you must make the ask. I explained that this meant to ask for what you wanted. Our chapter hosted many projects that year and garnered many awards including me being named a outstanding local chapter president. I was asked what made our projects successful and my answer is we simply knew what we desired and we went out and asked for it. In that same year I implemented a fundraising project, silent auctions, which I hosted at The Florida Jaycees Quarterly Conferences. The auctions were successful and I secured many items that helped to raise over $6,000 that year for charities. Again I was asked how did I get everything donated and my response was I asked. The key was I knew what I wanted, I researched who had what I wanted, and I asked for it. In all my business dealing and non-profit volunteer work I have stressed the fact that all you have to do is ask. I have taught courses on making the ask where I state the only sure no comes from the people not asked.

Many of us have heard of the 3 foot rule, which is simple. It states if someone is with in 3 feet of you talk to them. I use this in many situations as you never know where the interaction may lead. As the TV Show Host of The Anything Bucket, which airs on on Tuesday at 6:30 PM EDT I am always seeking guests so I have my business cards with me at the ready as I often hear people speaking about topics that I want to cover on my TV Show. I go over to them with my business card and introduce myself and then allow them to respond. This has been quite effective and has landed me a few guests. When I am out promoting and collecting donations for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life I use the same idea I carry my brochures and my collection canister and I go to businesses and ask for donations and if someone is with in 3 feet of me I tell them who I am and what I am doing and  most of the time they donate. Again the key is remembering to make the ask. By the way the donation page for Relay For Life is

One of the key factors I have learned when making the ask comes from Amonda Rose Igoe who taught me that it is important to pick a lane when you are out networking. This is important because if you throw to mush at someone when making the ask they will get overwhelmed and confused and a s a result you have lost them and will not get the desired outcome you seek. You can have many talents and be involved in many ventures but you must choose which one to focus on each time you are out networking. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Make The Ask!!!

Advertising Ideas: Be Creative!!!

Advertising Ideas: Be Creative!!!

Garfield vs Snoopy 2016Two of my favorite cartoon characters are Garfield and Snoopy and my favorite charity is The American Cancer Society.  2016 Marks my 17th year as a volunteer with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. In my many years of fundraising and promotions I have learned that to succeed you need to be creative thus I developed a fundraising program called The Snoopy VS. Garfield Challenge where people are asked to visit and make a donation and put Snoopy or Garfield in the comments and whichever character gets the most votes based on donations wins. It is very simple and easy to participate in. This fundraising triggered a thought about the importance of being creative in your marketing. In being creative you want to have a campaign that is memorable that resonates with your target audience. With the Snoopy VS Garfield Challenge I am looking for people aged 25+ who will know who each character is and who wants to help plant the seeds of hope and healing for cancer patients and their families. In using creativity and cause marketing people are seeing what I am passionate about and learning that when they use my services that they are supporting a cause that most everyone can relate to as cancer has touched almost everyone in one way or another.

2016 Popints for the Cure Fundraiser Another creative fundraiser that I implemented was The Points For The Cure Football Edition, which helped to raise $21.50 for this relay for life. In having fliers and promoting it across football related platforms other relay participants ran a similar campaign. Now let’s translate this to your business if you have clients/customers that are football fans you can pick a team and do a special price based on the points that team scores or offer a discount based on the points scored. You can then market this across all your marketing platforms and thus generate more revenue simply because you were creative.

Years after this character was implemented by Domino’s Pizza people still remember the character. The Domino’s Pizza Avoid The Noid Campaign created a buzz and increased brand awareness and revenue. Think what can your business develop so that people will recognize your brand and be compelled to spend money with you.

I work with Celebrity Sports in Plantation, Florida and we have been very creative with our marketing bringing in celebrities like Rick Flair, Dwight Gooden, and Steve Garvey to sign autographs. All people who are in our target audience know who these people are and as a result we create a buzz about the store and increase traffic for the day of the signings thus keeping us on top of the mind of the consumer so that when they think of collectibles they think of us 1st.

DUO Magazine

Introduces our “Thrillanthropist” of the Month

A Local L egend Who Gets a “Thrill” Out of Helping Others
Jonathan JDOGG Lederman

Community Activist
Since he was a young boy Jonathan JDOGG Lederman, The Positive Broadcaster, was committed to helping the community. He has always believed that service to humanity is the best work of life. His community service work spans over 30 years and includes many accomplishments. JDOGG is a returned U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer who served in The Philippines from July 2002 through February 2003. Prior to his serving in The Peace Corps JDOGG was very active in The Junior Chamber of Commerce where he was introduced to The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. Upon his return to The United States he reconnected with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. In 2008 he was recognized with The American Cancer Society Hope Award. It is estimated that he has raised over $35,000 in his 16 years as a Relay For Life Volunteer. In July of 2012 JDOGG’s mother was called home to God after suffering a heart attack while battling inoperable metastatic lung cancer. In 2016 he is participating in The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Sunrise and captain a team for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Boca Raton. He hopes to raise over $3500 and has set up donation pages at for The Sunrise Relay and for The Boca Raton Relay. He has raised $377 for The Sunrise Relay and $285.50 for The Boca Raton Relay. Please call 954-254-8227for additional information or for an interview request.

When you send out your media releases give the media an angle that will be relevant, resonating, and entertaining. As a result of being creative I was named DUO Magazine’s Thrillanthropist of The Month because of my involvement with The American Cancer Society.

Find ways to creatively promote your business daily. Post things that relate to your business that will entice people to do business with you.

Advertisement Ideas: Stop Being A Grinch!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Stop Being A Grinch!!!

This article was inspired by some of the interactions I had this week while I was out collecting donations for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Sunrise, FL. I was out promoting the donation page,, and taking donations on the spot. As I approached businesses to donate many were very open and receptive and I collected $65 bring my total to $442  toward a goal of raising $100, however there were several businesses that I felt were being very Grinch like in the way they treated me. This had me thinking how many clients/customers are they losing because of their Grinch like attitude. I actually told one business owner from Robert’s Barber Shop that he was being a Grinch as he said what is it people don’t want to work which really struck a nerve with me as I was collecting to give the gift of hope and healing to cancer patients and their families. I tried to explain this but he wasn’t comprehending and kept trying to disparage my credibility. I did everything to reassure the man that the money he donated is not for me but for those touched by cancer and will be used for research, education, advocacy, and services.  I left thinking wow what a Grinch.  I understand that business people are hit up all the time for donations and there are many scams out there and you must be skeptical, however you must also realize that there are many legitimate people like myself out there collecting and that we may be soliciting today we could be a customer tomorrow and we just might recommend you to our contacts if you are not a Grinch.

I came across another Grinch at The Boost Mobile Store in The Welleby Plaza in Sunrise.  Again I went in to ask for a donation and the gentleman was very upset and stated how I had the nerve to interrupt him while he was trying to do business. I apologized for interrupting his business and I did my best to explain that I was doing a good deed and that I could help hos business. He wanted no part of me and told me to leave his F-ing store. I stood by the door for a while just to egg him on and see how far he would go. he threatened to call the cops and I said go ahead. He then came at me and when it seemed he was going to get physical I left. I know I pushed it a bit far, however I have learned that if you believe strongly in what you are doing it will resonate with many people and you will find success.  I have come to learn that there are many Grinch’s out there and the best we can do when encounter them is to simply ask them not to be a Grinch. Maybe they will realize that their Grinch like attitude is the cause of their lack of success and they will change. I have come to realize that all I can do is make them aware and then let it go. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Stop Being A Grinch!!!