Advertisement Ideas: Time To Wake The F Up!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Time To Wake The F Up!!!

Do you know just how many times I wanted to scream this at entrepreneurs that I have worked with? I often have an experience where the entrepreneur thinks they know everything and refuses to listen to the employee that is working in the business on a regular business. The entrepreneur needs to wake the f up and understand that maybe they don’t know everything and that despite the fact that the employee doesn’t have a fancy car or live in an expensive home or doesn’t live lavishly they just might have a working knowledge to help the entrepreneur exceed their revenue goals. I was working with someone and asked what are your revenue goals. I was told none of your business. This entrepreneur ending up closing the business dissolving the corporation and then reopening in another location under a new name. He still hasn’t set up a website or done any advertising. he didn’t even update his Facebook Page. Then this entrepreneur wonders why his business struggles. The answer is because you don’t have a strategic plan to market and thus exceed your revenue goals. When I worked for Footlocker we had daily goals and the corporate marketing people had plans in place to drive people to the store and once they were in the store it was my job to make the sales. I remember how bad I wanted to tell the DM to wake the f up when he told me you can’t put the new Jordan release sneakers aside for people they are on a first come first serve basis. I called bullshit on that one and explained I have a customer who buys a size 8, a size, 11, and a size 13 in adults and a size 3 and 6 in kids plus matching socks and jerseys when the new Jordan’s are released which meant about $1000 in business. I asked the DM if you have a guaranteed sale of $1000 each time the Jordan’s are released why wouldn’t you put them aside. Well I left Footlocker and guess what I found out when I left and the store would put the Jordan’s aside for this customer he stopped doing business with the store. This is why those in power need to wake the f up. Look at the way you are doing business and ask yourself what can I do to wake the f up and make changes that will strengthen my brand and increase my revenue. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Time To Wake The F Up!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Do You DWYP?

Advertisement Ideas: Do You DWYP?

Over the years I have taught about the concept of deliver on what you promise (DWYP), which is a key aspect to having a successful and thriving business. So many times over the years I have dealt with people who have forgotten this principle and a s a result have struggled in their businesses. The key factor is to know what you can do and then to deliver on what you promised. I recently had someone make a spelling mistake on a custom jersey that I ordered and told me they would send another one this was done in June. Several calls have been made and I have been told it is being sent and that they sent me a free jersey that was spelled right. They made the decision to send a free jersey with the one I ordered I didn’t ask for a free jersey. I still haven’t received the corrected jersey. What do you think happened when I wanted another jersey? I went to a business that has always delivered what they promised and guess what? My order was filled with the correct spelling and an excellent quality jersey. I tell this story to remind you of the importance of delivering what you promised. It is important to make sure that all your customers are happy and that you do the right thing.

Remember in life there is no try so when you make a commitment honor that commitment and if you can not honor the commitment then find a solution. So many ties people will try to cut corners and a s a result will find themselves without a way out thus making it impossible to deliver on what they promised. I recently had a situation where a business owner was hosting an event and one of the people who was supposed to come and sign autographs was a no-show leaving a customer without items signed. The business owner cashed the check and thought they would get the person to sign and then send the customer the signed items. This was in May and the person who was supposed to sign still haven’t signed the items. I suggested to the business owner that he simply write a refund check and send the items back and in the future wait for the event to be over and of someone doesn’t show simply repack the items with the payment or if the customer paid by credit or debit card simply do a refund. It is important to honor your commitments and if there are other parties involved don’t make promises.  In another instance a business owner was given a custom framing order and misplaced the item to be framed and finally located the item and will be able to complete the order but it took 3 months and needless to say the customer is unhappy. When you do business with people you need to ask yourself am I delivering what I promised?



Advertisement Ideas: Building Revenue!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Building Revenue!!!

 If you are in business the first thing you should be concentrating is in building revenue. Everyday you should be engaged in income producing activities for your business. Each aspect of your marketing strategy should include how the marketing will positively impact the revenue while increasing your brand awareness.  I have worked with many companies over the last 30 years and many have had general managers and owners who did not see the importance of marketing with a goal to increase their revenue.  I have seen many businesses over the years fail or lose money because they were not willing to invest in activities that would produce income down the line. Sometimes the initial outlay for a promotion may seem exorbitant but in the long run it will produce revenue while building brand awareness so that you attract more customers and as a result increase your market share.

 In all of the business classes and seminars that I have attended this is a recurring theme. The idea is to understand that marketing is an investment in your business. The key is to spend your money wisely so that it leads to an increase in revenue.  In my over 30 years of working for businesses I have seen those willing to spend money and invest succeed while also witnessing those who would not spend money or spent money incorrectly and failed. When spending money you must look at what you want the money you are spending do for you. You must have a plan that will create a return on your investment over time.

If you are to build revenue you must have a plan and you must work that plan. Before you even open your doors and build out your business you must know the demographics of the area, how many competitors there are in the area, and what the sales of comparable businesses around the area are doing to see if there will be enough residual support to support your business. If you are to build revenue you must know who your client/customer is and where your customer/client is and the buying habits of your client/customer. This is where have a promotional budget and plan comes in handy. Sometimes as you work your plan you need to make adjustments along the way so as to achieve the ultimate goal of building revenue. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Building Revenue!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Opportunity Knocking!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Opportunity Knocking!!!

 We are given many opportunities to grow in our personal and professional life and many times we do not answer the opportunity knocking on the door and we look back and wonder what if?  It is time to tune into the universal messages that are around us and to create opportunities by being aware of the potential that exists to achieve our goals. Today I was sitting at Starbucks and had my collection canister for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Sunrise when a young woman said I remember Relay For Life I handed her a brochure and said I am collecting donations and she put $5 in the canister proving again that all you have to do is ask and create opportunities to ask.  I have written several times about implementing a 3 foot rule where you have information about projects or businesses you represent and being prepared to share with those within 3 feet of you.  I was at the bank today and a you man with a business called Road To Hollywood was next to me we began speaking about Celebrity Sports, a memorabilia store that I work with located at 1825 N. Pine Island Road in Plantation, FL as well as my TV Show, The Anything Bucket, which airs on on Tuesday at 6:30 PM EDT. He asked for my card and I am confident he will contact me. The key is to make opportunities and to take action. Every where you go you have an opportunity to engage people and create opportunities.I always say what is the worst they can say no or I am not interested. This is when the principle of some will, some, won’t so what, some waiting, next comes into play. If you do not create opportunities to share who you are and what you do you will leave money on the table and at the end of the day it takes money to pay bills, take trips, go to sporting events, go out to dinner, buy groceries and basically anything you desire in your life.

Each day there is an opportunity to excel and attract those who will enhance your personal and professional life. Many are held back because they are so worried about what people will think that they find every excuse to shy away from opportunities. They become limited in their beliefs and leave money on the table or they are so quick to judge that they don’t approach someone to share with.  Many times when we take the opportunity to do something we may ruffle some feathers because it is not the way another person would have gone about doing something. This was evident when I was collecting donations for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Sunrise at The City’s 4th of July Festivities and told that it wasn’t the appropriate place to collect donations by one of the city employees who actually does fundraising for Relay For Life. Of course I explained why it is appropriate and how most everyone is receptive to what I am doing. She said okay. Now some people did complain but at the end of the day what was important is that most gave cheerfully and I collected $250 toward helping those touched by cancer. My Donation Page is My methodology of raising funds has been questioned on many occasion because I simply just get out there and take advantage of the opportunity to use my voice to make the ask. I also see things differently and think differently. Such was the case yesterday as I ordered a bottle of Pink Lemonade and I noticed the phone number of the distributor so i called and asked if they could donate some product to Relay. They said send an email and I did. They replied to call them and they would do something. I am sure when I tell the committee I did this they will say it wasn’t my place to do it and I will reply did you think to do it.Of course they didn’t because many have not learned the art of looking for opportunities and do not have the mindset to create opportunities. I use Relay as a great lead in to set up other opportunities that I can share with people. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Opportunity Knocking!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Turning Browsers Into Buyers!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Turning Browsers Into Buyers!!!

If you have worked in retail you have heard oh I am just looking. When I hear this I ask what are you looking for? By doing this I get an idea if  the customer is truly interested or is wasting my time. In not asking yes or no questions you open up the dialogue and thus you increase your chance of turning a browser into a buyer. I work with Celebrity Sports in Plantation, FL and I believe that everyone who walks into the store can be made into a customer. When I am in the store I make it a point to start conversations that will lead me to show the customer something that will peak their interest and as a result they will make a purchase. In knowing the merchandise and being able to show the customer what we have increase the opportunity to turn them from a browser to a buyer.

When I graduated from Hofstra University in 1987 I went to work for The Oaktree Men’s Clothing Store in Boca Raton, FL as a management trainee. With in 3 weeks I was the #1 salesperson in the country for this division of Edison Brothers Stores. I was asked by The Regional Vice President How I managed to be #1 in the country in a short period of time. I simply replied I turned the browsers into buyers. He then asked how did I do that. I said I greeted everyone within 5-10 seconds of coming into the store and asking them what brought them to Oaktree today. In doing so I began to build relationships with customers who then became regular customers. I remember a businessman from Chicago came in and was seeking casual wear for meetings he was attending and I helped him and he said he came into town every 3-5 weeks. I told him stop in when you are here and see our new arrivals. It turned out that he did just that and on average spent $300 with me. In getting to know your customers you can turn them from browsers to buyers.

I am asked by people all the time JDOGG what of you do not have a brick and mortar business and you aren’t selling tangible items then how do you turn browsers into buyers? My answer is by having a service that they seek and building their trust after all people like to work with people they know, like, and trust. If you have a website make sure you have a page where they can book your services and pay for them ahead of time. If you have merchandise like CDS, DVD’S. Books, and other materials make sure they can order hem and pay for them. In having a strong call to action you will be able to turn browsers into buyers.

 Many of us spend an inordinate amount of time networking and  we find ourselves dealing with many browsers. The question is how do we turn these browsers into buyers. The answer is to have something they desire, something that solves a problem, something that is relevant and resonating. It is important to follow-up with everyone who you get a business card from within 24-48 hours with a clear and consistent message that has a strong call to action at the end.  I strongly suggest setting up a one on one and finding out what they are looking for and letting them know how you can be of service and value to them.

As many of you that read this blog you know I host a TV Show, The Anything Bucket, which airs on WRPBiTV. I invite many people to be on the show and give them the option of buying a fully edited clip of their appearance on my show for $200, which is a great deal to have a very useful tool to turn browsers into buyers. I explain the value of having the clip and how it can be used on their website, across social media platforms, and in all their marketing materials. I have found that those who purchase the clip and use it effectively increase their brand awareness and their cash flow.  I have seen many of the people who came into the studio as browsers become buyers because my producer and I explain the value and how if they follow our suggestions they will have some success. I do not sell everyone the clip and I understand not everyone will be a buyer. The key is to have the mindset to always be closing in order to turn browsers into buyers.

Use your platforms to turn browsers into buyers!!! Stay Positive!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Who Is Endorsing You?

Advertisement Ideas: Who Is Endorsing You?

As Sarah Palin endorsed Donald Trump today it got me to thinking who is endorsing you and how is their endorsement impacting you. Many will now turn away from Trump because of their disdain for Sarah Palin. I would have to think twice about following the women who said I can see Russia from my backyard so I am qualified to make decisions about international relations. I answered heck I can see space from my backyard but that doesn’t make me an astronaut. In today’s competitive market place it is important to really look at who is endorsing you.  Yes endorsements are a major part of building your following however the wrong endorsement can hurt you more than help you so look at who is endorsing you.  When selecting people to ask for endorsements make sure you do your due diligence and that they are respected among the public because one oh crap will ruin 1000 at a boys.  Make sure when you select someone to endorse you that they have nothing that will be a detriment to you on their record. When getting someone to endorse you make sure people know them, like them, and trust them. As an entrepreneur or non-profit leader it is important to get endorsements from those who will increase your likability and trust factor.  When you use endorsements or testimonials in your advertising make sure that you vetted the person completely before using what  they said because in today’s marketing world nothing ever goes away.

Today it is important to realize that everything you do becomes part of a digital footprint and people can take something your endorser said years ago and use it against your business. When getting endorsements do your best to use people who have a good reliable reputation as being trustworthy. Make sure when you are posting endorsements that they are real and believable. With today’s digital marketing what your endorser posts reflects back to you so make sure you check what your endorser is posting so that it positively impacts your business. Also remember with un-monitored sites like yelp and other review sites that a negative comment can adversely affect your business so be careful in all you do because that one negative review can hurt you and counter act the 100 positive reviews you have. People are more apt to share a negative than a positive and that is just how our society is thus it is important to see who is endorsing you. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Who Is Endorsing You?

Advertisement Ideas: Get With The Program!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Get With The Program!!!

 When I was kid I would here this phrase quite often as many of the activities that I was involved in were very structured. As I got older and started to venture into the world of marketing, advertising, media relations, and public relations I began to realize that many business people did not understand the importance of these areas and as a result struggled and eventually closed their doors because they did not get with the program. Today as I present opportunities to businesses and non-profit I hear many programmed responses like I don’t have  a budget or I am not interested. There have been many times that I wanted to reach through the phone grab the person on the other end and simply yell GET WITH THE PROGRAM!!!  I have encountered many people in positions of authority who simply do not get it and then wonder why their sales are down. Such was the case yesterday as I called the sales manager at Lou Bachrodt Chevrolet in Coconut Creek who I had been leaving messages for about The South Florida Gold, a professional basketball team that plays in The American Basketball Association. When I left messages I explained the relationship I had with the dealership and he didn’t return the call. He picked up the phone yesterday and after I introduced myself his answer was I am not interested. I replied sorry to hear that I can really be of service and value to you and I have been a customer of Lou Bachrodt for many years. He then said I don’t have a budget as I allocated all my advertising dollars. I replied I just want to meet with you to see how we can be of service and value to one another. His reply was I told you I don’t have a budget.I said okay I’ll call someone else.   Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Get With The Program!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Spread ‘Em Wide!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Spread ‘Em Wide!!!

 When you read the headline of this entry what was your first thought? Many probably went right to the image of the police officer getting ready to put the cuffs on someone and pat them down. Most conjured up this image as we have been programmed to react in a certain way through media manipulation and the repetition of many so-called norms of our society.  When I think of  the headline spread ’em wide I think about marketing a frequent and consistent message so that when someone thinks of me they know who I am and what I do and feel comfortable about doing business with me. just as this phrase spread ’em wide conjures up a certain image or picture ask yourself what image or picture does my brand conjure up when people see it or hear it.

 Well established brands like McDonald’s and Allstate share one common thread and that is a frequent and consistent presence in the marketplace. A few years back Allstate partnered with The NCAA to sponsor the goal post nets that are put up for field goals and extra points and as a result has increased their brand awareness while also donating to scholarship funds thus creating a picture that they area company that cares about the community.  McDonald’s has sponsored many sporting events including The Olympics.

Now you may not have the budget of a McDonald’s or Allstate but you should have a budget to spread your message wide. How many times have you been approached with an opportunity to spread your message and you have found all the reason why not to take advantage of the opportunity and the you see your competition did. As a result clients/consumers may be going to the competition.  Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Spread ‘Em Wide!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Stop Missing Opportunities!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Stop Missing Opportunities!!!

 This blog entry was prompted by a phone call I had this morning (7/31/2015) where I was introducing myself as The PA Announcer and Team Ambassador for The South Florida Gold, a professional basketball team that plays in The American Basketball Association. In this role I am responsible for community outreach and giving businesses and non-profit organizations a chance to form strategic partnerships. As I called a real estate broker whose card was given to me by a colleague I introduced myself and then was told I do not have a budget for marketing to which I replied I just wanted to offer you free tickets to our home opener to which the reply was I am not interested. I hung up the phone and  thought wow this is a so called successful business person who just missed out on what could have been a great opportunity as players need housing, staff may be looking for real estate, and our fans may use his services.  I run into this type of mentality all the time those who do not  see the opportunities and can not see beyond what is considered the normal way to market. The fact is if you are doing what everyone else is doing you will not stand out and you will continue to struggle. You can avoid the struggle by simply listening to people who are presenting unique opportunities and being open to explore a different way of doing things. In being aligned with a professional basketball team you build awareness while having frequency and consistency in the market place.

South Florida Gold 20152016 Home ScheduleThink about it you as a business owner can pay $250 and select a game for you and your staff and clients to attend, set up a table at the game to speak to fans, hang a banner, and receive PA Announcements. This is an affordable opportunity  and is a form of direct marketing where you can obtain qualified leads.  There are many opportunities to advertise and market and you as as a business owner must seek some unique and different forms of marketing and advertising that will help you to stand out in a crowd,

 Imagine your name on 250 mini basketballs to be given out at a home game for The South Florida Gold. Your fee to do this $500. All you do is supply the artwork and The Gold gives the basketballs away to its fans. Again a different way to strengthen your brand and create a buzz about your business.


Advertisement Ideas: Don’t Miss This Opportunity  To Brand Yourself!!!

 In August of 2013 I launched an Internet TV Show, The Anything Bucket, which airs on I give business people and non-profit organizations and opportunity to come to The WRPBiTV Studios in Boca Raton, FL to do a 10 minute interview to reach my over 50,000 viewers. I give my guests an opportunity to purchase their clip for $175 that is fully edited with their contact information for them to use across all their marketing platforms. In today’s marketplace video content is very important.  I am always amazed when a business person says no or they can not afford it. Again a missed opportunity to which I say stop missing opportunities.

Now the question is what will you do the next time someone approaches you with an opportunity. Will you consider that the person you are speaking with may be selling you today but may be a customer in the future or  tat the person you are speaking with may know people that can benefit from your products or services.  Remember every interaction is an opportunity to build a relationship and thus create business as people like to do business with those they know, like, and trust.  Before you go into your programmed responses think how listening to an opportunity might benefit you.  Each time you engage with someone it is an opportunity to share information and possibly attract new business.


Advertisement Ideas: Stop The Madness!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Stop The Madness!!!

While American Citizens worried about this flag our government managed to fast track The Trans Pacific Partnership, which makes The North America Free Trade Agreement look tame. While Walmart banned the selling of this flag they didn’t stop importing goods from China. This is ironic for if you are going to stand against slavery and hatred but not stop using what is considered slave labor used to make the goods you are importing from China you are part of the problem and contributing to the madness. Now municipalities  are taking down statues, renaming schools, and digging up graves in an attempt to rewrite history. So many of our American Citizens have become sheep and are being driven by the controversy of the day instead of  looking at the real issues and understanding you can take down as many flags and statues but until you stop the madness brought on by the hate that is in some people’s hearts the real issues  will not be resolved.  It is time to stop the madness and stop majoring in the minor.

 Another ironic twist is that while amazon and other e-commerce sites were busy banning The Confederate Battle Flag they were still selling Nazi Flags and Isis Flags. Heck a Walmart employee refused to make a Confederate Flag Decorated Cake but gladly made an ISIS Flag Cake, a great example of just how uneducated our workers in America truly are.

Now the question is how do we STOP THE MADNESS. The answer is  simple educate the working population and train them so that they can be an asset to your business.  The idea is to bring back a manufacturing and agricultural base to America and to eliminate the greed factor that is hurting our country. We must also eliminate the entitlement mentality and get back to the concept of hard work and being of service and value. If you have a talent you must find a way to utilize it and monetize it and to take action to build your personal brand so it attracts the people who you want to do business with so that you can thrive.  How about you do a campaign that say we serve all people with our products and services. Instead of using the concept of I am (an insert nationality here) –  American just start to say I am an American with a business designed to help my clients/customers who can benefit from my products and services. Then make it a point not to judge people when they come to your business.  I have learned that we may not be able to attract everyone to our business but those that resonate with our message will choose to do business with us.


The best way to solve these issue sis to adopt Don Miguel Ruiz’s Four Agreements and do your best to adhere to them. The Four Agreements are….

If you can convey this is your advertising you will begin to create more brand awareness and recognition while also creating a buzz about your business and thus helping to stop the madness.  The key is to create customer loyalty by being of service and value by enhancing the customer experience by looking at solutions for the real issues and making sure you become a problem solver.

The issues mentioned above affect us all because there will be  current customers and potential customers that will not agree with the principles we stand for and may get offended so we must do our best to target customers who will resonate with our message. The nest way to stop the madness is to remember some will, some won’t, so what, some waiting, next.  The greatest thing we can hope for is that our business will help to unify a community instead of divide the community.  If we are truly going to stop the madness we must tackle the real issues and walk in our truth and thus have a message that is relevant and resonates with our desired target audience.  It is time for you to become a problem solver and ask how are my opinions on these issues affecting my business.

By now you have heard of the couple who refused to bake a same sex wedding cake and how they have been sued and ordered to pay damages. My take is that this story only led to more madness. It is their right to refuse business from anyone and I am sure the couple ordering the cake could have found another bakery. This is another example of the media choosing to create madness and division. Personally of it were my company I would have made the cake taken great care of the couple as money on my pocket is better that in someone else’s pocket. The cake company owners stated it was against their moral values and that it went against the teachings of Jesus. Hello, wasn’t it Jesus who was teaching us to be kind to all people and not to sit in judgement.  It is your right to refuse a customer and it is my right as a customer to go elsewhere.  Again it is time to stop the madness.

Sometimes it is not about being right or wrong it is about doing the right thing so stop the madness.