Advertisement Ideas: Back To The Basics!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Back To The Basics!!!

When I was a kid we has a supermarket in our area called Basics. It was place where you brought your own bags or boxes and most of the products were generic. The store did massive advertising and flooded the area with coupons. They were doing a good business but then the landlord decided to raise the rent and it got to be a bit pricey and cut into the profit margin and the store closed.  The store sat empty for many years and now there is a Lowes Home Improvement store on that site. As I reflected on the concept of Basics Supermarket I began to think how many times we in business get away from the basics and then wonder why we aren’t having successes. How many times to we come up with an advertisement idea but we don’t implement it because we do not know if it will work and then we make many excuses as to why not to implement it.  The key is to remember that if you do not advertise your business you will  eventually lose so it is time to get back to basics.

The first basic principle is to get out there and hit the bricks. This sounds like an old school principle but it works. Last week as I was promoting my TV Show, The Anything Bucket, which airs on Tuesday at 6:30 PM EDT on I decided to walk a shopping plaza and share who I was and that I was seeking guests for my TV Show. I walked into Wise Little Shoppers in Sunrise,FL and the owner Sparkle was receptive to the idea of being on my show. She called me the next day and booked a time to come into the studio to tape a segment for the show. She came taped a segment and bought her clip to use in her marketing. In hitting the bricks you will meet people who can benefit from your products or services. I have been one to go business to business to share who I am and what I am doing and it has proven to be effective. Whatever I find myself promoting be it my TV Show, my charitable work with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life, or the South Florida Gold, a professional basketball team that I represent I find the best way is to get out in the community and go face to face, eyeball to eyeball, flesh to flesh to get the best results. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Back To The Basics!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Lack Or Abundance – What Mindset Are You?

Advertisement Ideas: Lack Or Abundance – What Mindset Are You?

 As I was out collecting donations for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of West Boca Raton today (6/24/2015) I ran into many people who were coming from a lack mindset. You may ask how I knew this, the answer was in the word’s they used like I can’t afford, business is slow, or how do I know this is legit. These words only hinder us in our personal and professional life as we hold ourselves back.One encounter at The Imperial Cuts Barber Shop really made me realize that as business people we must stop using the lack words and start tapping into our ability to create abundance. In the course of my presentation the owner stated business is slow  on 4 occasions to which I sated if you keep thinking things are slow it will remain slow and I did my best to explain that there is plenty of business to be had if he would get out of  the shop and start to meet people and share his business. His answer was he didn’t have time. I though okay you just told me things were slow, you were given a few solutions and you made an excuse that you did not have time. It was at that time that I realized that he was coming from a lack mentality. I also have started to put people into two categories action takers and excuse makers. The action taker comes from an abundance mentality and takes action thus making things happen for their business. On the other side is the excuse maker who will come from a position of lack and find every reason not to seek opportunities.  I ask you to take a look at how you are expressing yourself and evaluate if you are coming from a lack mindset or an abundance mindset.  Look at the opportunities that exist and take full advantage of them by shifting from a lack mentality to an abundance mindset.  Instead of being an excuse maker start to become and action taker.  Instead of saying I can’t afford start finding ways to invest in yourself and your business. Imagine if Imperial Cuts would have said thank you for coming in and here is $5 for your cause. They would have gotten shout outs on my Facebook Page, on my Twitter Account, and recommendations to my friends in the area who needed a hair cut. Instead they get used as an example of a business that is coming from a position of lack.

If you are to truly succeed in your business you will want to come from a position of abundance in all you do.  Everything you do in business should give the perception of success from the way you answer the phone to what you put out on social media. Instead of complaining you can take action and improve the way things are going. Ask people what they think when they see you brand or hear your business name or your name. In coming from a position of abundance as opposed to lack you  will see a loyalty from your existing customers and they will be more likely to recommend you to others.  If you create an atmosphere where your business is perceived as thriving people will want to do business with you. I am reminded of the story of two steak places in my community one would donate gift cards to every charitable organization that asked while the other said no. One steak house would pay $15 per hour while the other paid $8, one would allow the manager to make marketing and advertising decisions while the other did not. Guess who is still in business and who is not? Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Lack Or Abundance – What Mindset Are You?

Advertisement Ideas: Making The Commitment!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Making The Commitment!!!

If you are in business I highly suggest you get a copy of Don Miguel Ruiz’s The Four Agreements a sit can truly help you in making a commitment to grow your business. Today (6/19/2015) I had an 11 AM appointment and arrived at 10:45 AM and asked for the person I was supposed to meet with and was told oh she may have forgotten. I waited until 11:15 AM and then handed my card to the gentleman who was there and I left. As I left I thought wow another person in South Florida who didn’t honor their commitment. As I drove to my next destination, my local Starbuck’s I thought it is her loss as she didn’t know that not only do I represent The South Florida Gold of The American Basketball Association but I also host a TV Show, The Anything Bucket, which airs on on Tuesday at 6:30 PM EDT and I have strong ties to the community and a fairly large social media following. The point is that when you make a commitment you should honor the commitment or at least give someone the courtesy of a phone call to give them a heads up on what is happening. The ironic thing is that today I may have been a solicitor but tomorrow I may have been a customer as I could use health and wellness products. When you make an appointment and you do not show it makes you look bad in the eyes of the person you were supposed to meet with and a a result hurts your business instead of improving it. Remember one oh crap will ruin 1000 at-a-boys.

Your level of commitment will determine your level of success. If you are not committed to honoring your word you will lose in the end because people like to do business with people they know, they like, and they trust. If you don’t honor your commitment to meet with someone you have breached the trust from the start and decreased your chances to have a business ally tremendously. What do you think I am going to say when asked about the business that was a no-show without a phone call? When you are doing your best to build your brand and increase your profits you need as many advocates as possible to be speaking well of you so tat you build your likability and your trust so that when people get to know you they are comfortable about doing business with you. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Making The Commitment!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Stop Being Foolish!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Stop Being Foolish!!!

When was the last time you turned down an opportunity and instructed your customer service person or secretary to use the programmed response of we are not interested? How many opportunities have you let slip away because of a foolish mindset and a preconceived notion of that won’t work for me? How many times have you said I am not interested and then realized maybe I should have listened to the options or at least gotten to know who I was dealing with? How many times have you been presented an advertising idea only to make excuses and not strengthen your brand or increase your revenue? How many times have you decided to pass up advertising opportunities? How many times have you chosen to advertise only to realize that your choice was not the most effective choice? Sometimes it simply comes down to making a decision to stop being foolish.

Sometimes in business we play the part of a fool because we turn down opportunities that could help us to build a stronger brand or that could actually increase our revenue because we do not see the value of what someone is offering. How many times have you let someone leave your business that could of been of service and value to you? How many times have you stayed in your office or in you brick and mortar building wondering why your business is slow? Instead of being foolish and wondering why things are slow it is time to be proactive and speed things up. I like using the example of the pizza place that I spoke with about going out and getting to know his neighbors who said oh I don’t have time for that. This pizza place was in a very heavily trafficked plaza with many store that had many employees so I asked have you gone to the bigger stores and offered them a lunch or dinner special. The answer was no. I suggested he do this and he got very upset and said now you are telling me how to run my business I said no I am suggesting a way for you to increase traffic and build revenue. He wasn’t to receptive so I left. Six months later his pizza place was closed. I thought what would have happened if he stopped being foolish?  My advice to all business owners, marketing executives, and non-profit leaders is to get out there and start meeting people and stop being foolish with your decisions. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Stop Being Foolish!!!

Advertisement Ideas: The Power Of Networking!!!

Advertisement Ideas: The Power Of Networking!!!

I have always taught my clients that it is important to get out in the community and network. I stress to them that they must find the networking groups that are most effective and that are creating revenue for their business. I also stress that it is not about selling it is about relationship building because people do business with people they know, like, and trust. I often recommend that my clients seek speaking opportunities at these networking events and a table to promote their business so as to engage the attendees. On June 8, 2015 I had the opportunity to attend and present at The Florida Women’s Business Center Small Business Conference about the importance of leaving a digital footprint. It was great event and during my presentation I was able to have the audience make a video of me as I was showing them how easy it is to make a digital footprint.I also made it a point to mention in the video so as to give them something viable to use across their social media and marketing platforms. I was able to engage the audience and as a result I set up 4 appointments for interviews that will be taped and then aired as part of my TV Show, The Anything Bucket, which airs on at 6:30 PM EDT on Tuesday. When I arrived at The WRPBiTV Studios on June 9, 2015 I had a plan to follow-up with those that I met at The FLWBC Networking Event and I sent out an email. As a result I booked 2 more appointments for interviews.

The key to making your networking activities is to have a plan and to follow your plan. It is also important to pick a lane and decide what you are their to promote as you may have many services that you offer but trying to speak about each one is difficult so choose what you want to accomplish and plan accordingly. On Monday June 8, 2015 my objective was to get people to know about WRPBiTV and how I create a digital footprint for them helping them to maximize their message. When you are focused on one aspect of what you do it leads to stronger brand awareness and creates a buzz for potential clients to ask more questions. As I booked the appointments I began to ask about the people’s business so that I could formulate an effective interview that would be beneficial to them in their quest to share their business and increase their awareness while generating more income. In networking properly you will find yourself  making solid connections and building relationships that will enhance your business. Remember it is not about knowing just the person you meet it is about knowing who the person you are meeting knows. In many cases the best thing you can do to use the power of networking is to have a 30 second intro that explains how you are of value and service to others. For example I am Jonathan JDOGG Lederman, The Positive Broadcaster. I help businesses to maximize their message through a TV Program and other platforms.  In keeping things short and to the point you will find yourself cultivating more business and closing more deals.

Many times you do not need a formal setting to network many times simply by having your business cards, a copy of your book, your mix tape, or a brochure with you when you are out and about you can be prepared to network. I have  often sat at my local Starbucks and simply listened to those around me and when I heard something that related to what I do I would go over and introduce myself, now I have an advantage because I host a TV Show and most business people want to be on TV, so my intro peaks their interest.  I also am not afraid to speak to the people in line with me at the bank, the grocery store, or anywhere else. The key is to make it a point to get out in the community and meet people and as a result you cultivate business. It also helps that I am a wealth of knowledge when it comes to business and can come up with ideas that many have not thought of yet.  The idea is to simply share as you never know who might become your client or recommend someone for you. I recommend that you do your best to meet 3 -5 new people daily and then find a way to be of service and value. After you meet the people make it a point to follow-up. Namaste!!!

Advertisement Ideas: A Cure For The Summer Time Blues!!!

Advertisement Ideas: A Cure For The Summer Time Blues!!!


 Living in South Florida for over 40 years I have heard the excuse from many business owners oh it is the summer and things slow down so I don’t advertise or sponsor things in the summer. I even heard this excuse when I worked at Forum Publishing Group as the culture was oh the summer is our slow season. I have been and still am perplexed by this attitude as the summer can be a time to capitalize on many opportunities and every business whether a brick and mortar business or home based business can thrive over the summer if they plan their work and work their plan by being proactive in the marketplace.
School is out and that means parents looking for things to do with their kids so if you have a business like a bowling center, a Gymboree, or other activities oriented programs this is when you should be advertising your mommy and me programs, daddy and me programs, Grandma and Grandpa and me programs. Think of ways you can create an experience for your clients/customers. If you are a life coach perhaps meet your client at their house so they don’t have to worry about  finding someone to watch their kids of maybe you partner with someone you trust and offer a supervised activity for the kids at your office or close to the office. In being proactive you can increase your cash flow by simply doing things that your competition is not doing. If you are holding workshops include a kids component and bring in facilitators to work with the kids and you can make a family plan program. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: A Cure For The Summer Time Blues!!!

Advertisement Ideas: How To Choose The Proper Platform?

Advertisement Ideas: How To Choose The Proper Platform?

Jonathan JDOGG Lederman prepares to present his Maxizing Your Mesage ... Pin it 1 Like Image   As a marketing consultant with many years of media relations and public relations experience I am asked by clients on many occasions JDOGG what platform is right for me to use to maximize my message?  In today’s advertising landscape there are many choices to make and it can be quite overwhelming to business people when seeking ways to maximize their message. Navigating this landscape can be difficult especially if  you do not have a marketing, media relations, or public relations strategy. As the host of  The TV Show, The Anything Bucket, which airs on on Tuesday at 6:30 PM EDT I have interviewed many business people and have found that many of them need assistance in utilizing proper platforms to maximize their message so as to create brand awareness and cultivate new clients/customers while also retaining existing clients/customers.  I give all of my guests an opportunity to purchase the clip of their appearance on my show to use as a marketing tool to build credibility and edification in the market place and many turn this opportunity down. I often ask them what platforms they are using to promote their business. I get the reply I use social media. I ask them what other platforms and they look at me with a blank stare and then say I only use social media. Social Media like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram are good however including other platforms like YouTube, networking events, print media, special events,  and electronic media will aid in your quest to maximize your message.

I had an opportunity to interview Jaynie Smith about success in business and she purchased her clip and she put it on YouTube and it has 87 views this is in addition to the initial 50,000 viewers who saw her interview on She has also used this on her website. The key is to find platforms that work for you and to ask questions as to where your clients and potential clients are and what they are seeking.

Advertisement Ideas: The Steps To make The Proper Platform Choice!!!

Research Participant OpportunitiesJust because one platform that you learned about at a seminar worked for the presenter doesn’t mean it will work for you so do your research. Ask questions as to who the platform reaches then see if they are in your target audience, how many times your company will be seen, how large the reach is, how frequent  does your message appear. The key is to peel back the onion and see what platform works for you. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: How To Choose The Proper Platform?

Advertisement Ideas: Be Aware And Take Action!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Be Aware And Take Action!!!

Tomorrow, 5/21/2015, is Red Nose Day? You may be asking what this have to do with being aware and taking action? The answer is that it is one of the many days on a calendar that will go unnoticed by the majority of people however those that are familiar with it will capitalize by going to Walgreens and getting a red nose and wearing it out in public to draw attention to themselves and thus engage people. M&M’s is a sponsor as well and will be donation $1 every time #MAKEMLAUGH is used in social media. As someone who is always marketing myself and my services I am using Red Nose Day to further my purpose to help other people excel as I have made a video which is on YouTube that I am sharing across social media platforms. I have taken a selfie of me wearing the red nose and put it upon my Twitter and Facebook Pages. Some have said people may not take you serious because of that picture. My reply is that may be true but those meant to do business with me will see that I am real and authentic and thus want to do business with me.  The idea is to be aware of opportunities that are available to you promote your business and build awareness while also driving traffic and increasing revenue.

Imagine you purchase bags of m&m’s and then sell them in your office and donate the money to RED NOSE DAY and publicize this through videos, social media, and press releases showing that you are an entrepreneur with heart who serves the community. Maybe you are a life coach and you choose to donate a portion of every session booked in May to RED NOSE DAY and you promote this across all your marketing platforms.  The idea is to leverage RED NOSE DAY so that it helps you strengthen your customer base while increasing your revenue. People like to do business with those they perceive as being charitable and heart centered.

You can do what a local realtor, Ron Contronio, did and buy a couple of cases and organize a watch party to watch The RED NOSE DAY Special on NBC  thus creating a fun way to network and help worthwhile causes. When visiting one will see the various charities that are being supported. You could take these logos and make fliers to give out to your customers/clients to support RED NOSE DAY. You could make posters that say We Support RED NOSE DAY. Then in all your marketing material show that you support RED NOSE DAY. Leveraging support for RED NOSE DAY can increase traffic to your business and thus increase revenue.

NBC has incorporated RED NOSE DAY into several of their most popular shows like The Voice showing how important integration marketing is to the success of a business.

RED NOSE DAY is just one of several activities that you can be involved with to bring awareness to your business and thus increase your revenue. Every community now a days has a website where events are listed. Look for the events that resonate with you and fit into your marketing plan. The key is to be aware and to take action so that you are always on the top of the mind of your target audience so that when it comes time to utilize your products and services they think of you first.

Advertisement Ideas: Be Aware And take Action: A Success Story!!!

 Regular visitors to this blog know my passion for helping those touched by Cancer. I recently was made aware of several food truck round ups in my area and I went to a couple to solicit donations for Relay For Life. I did very well and was able to use my service with Relay For Life as a lead into to book guest for my TV Show, The Anything Bucket, which airs on on Tuesday at 6:30 PM EDT. By taking action and capitalizing on events like these I have been able to help a worthy cause and promote myself.  As a result more and more people know who I am and are more apt to do business with me. Remember people will do business with those they know, like, and trust. When someone feels good about you they will be comfortable in giving you business or recommending you to others for business.

By getting involved in the community and being aware and taking action you may be recognized with a community service award like I was and given a great platform to promote yourself. Stay Positive!!!


Advertisement Ideas: Compassion, Caring, And The Bottom Line!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Compassion, Caring, And The Bottom Line!!!

As I was going through Facebook a story was posted about a customer who fell at The Boys Farmers Market and subsequently died as a result of the fall.It was sated that this person was a long time customer and when another customer asked about them sending a platter for Shiva( a Jewish ritual of gathering to honor the deceased) the answer was we don’t do that. The poster stated their friend left the groceries he was going to purchase and was no longer going to shop at The Boys and others stated the same. This got me to thinking someone falls in your parking lot due to a medical issue and you don’t go out to check on them and knowing they were a regular customer you don’t follow the case and when they pass you don’t show compassion or caring wow you take money from the community and you don’t give back to those who are supporting you. I have never shopped at The Boys and I most likely never will hearing what I heard not only from the Facebook post but from those that know the owners. One person said all they care about is the money. My thought was wow they must be making it in spite of their attitude.

I started to think about how many encounters I have had where compassion and caring were lacking and how it is affecting the bottom line of these businesses. Sometimes business owners do not understand the value of caring and compassion or getting to know their customers. It can be a challenge for large brick and mortar operations as they serve so many people daily. Though it could be challenging think how much more income and revenue you could make by getting to know who is doing business with you. Imagine knowing the majority of people walking into your business and learning about them and how thus can increase your bottom line. I remember the Publix Manager, Jim, who got to know my family and when my mom was pregnant with my brother went out of his way to help her. The funny thing is that 15 years late my brother went to work for Jim. Jim got to know his customers and as a result he increased his sales volume as people who lived closer to the other Publix in the neighborhood would got the extra few miles to see Jim and his staff. Jim would make it a point to support charities, schools, youth sports teams, and anything that would benefit the community.  As a result many of us continued to shop at his Publix. Jim is now in The Coral Springs area still working for Publix and when I am in the area I stop by to get a sandwich and drink and to say hello. In being caring and compassionate Jim created a relationship with his customers to this day which reaps many rewards. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Compassion, Caring, And The Bottom Line!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Why Community Involvement Works?

Advertisement Ideas: Why Community Involvement Works?

Image result for Jonathan JDOGG LedermanSince I was 11 years old I have been involved in some aspect of community service be it raising funds for The Muscular Dystrophy Association or today raising funds for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. In my years of  doing community service I have found that businesses that place an emphasis on supporting the community tend to out perform those who do not? Why is this? It is because the average consumer likes to do business with those they perceive as giving back to the community.  A great example of  why community involvement works was witnessed by me when I approached The Skyline Chili in Sunrise, Fl. The proprietors Tony and Jenny were very open to the idea of doing give back nights for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Sunrise, FL . I had never eaten at Skyline Chili until the night of our first give back night   and since that time I have eaten there on several occasions. They have seen an increase in their business as a result of doing these give back nights as they support many charitable causes and have gained a reputation as an establishment that supports the community.  In supporting the community you receive positive advertising that you could not buy. In the case of Skyline Chili they received positive promotion on the radio show I hosted, mentions in videos done at the fundraiser, and mentions in my blog and across my social media.  In helping me and my cause they gained a customer and an advocate.

Image result for Jonathan JDOGG LedermanI had the privilege of doing a  fundraiser with Tijuana Flats recently as part of their spirit night program. The spirit night is a night where a charity receives 20% of the sales during a certain time for their organization. This gives Tijuana Flats great exposure and brings in people who may normally not have Tijuana Flats on the top of their mind. As a result of doing the fundraiser I learned about Taco Tuesday and now I am a regular customer. My spirit night raised $149 for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of West Boca Raton. I spend an average of $11 as I get desert and sides with my Taco Tuesday Order. Do the math just from me alone they will get the money donated back. It was interesting The GM said to me that night “JDOGG I either give it to you or I give it to Uncle Sam I would rather give it to you,” I thought for a minute and it hit me by doing a give back night not only does he get positive exposure in the marketplace he also gets a nice charitable write-off that allows him to make a profit and as a result stay open and employ more people from the community. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Why Community Involvement Works?