Advertisement Ideas: Going The Extra Mile!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Going The Extra Mile!!!

 Last night (2/23/14) on my way home after Announcing  The Palm Beach Pelicans Basketball Game I had my right rear tire blow out. I didn’t have any numbers for a tow truck service but I quickly Googled local towing services Boca Raton. I called Westway Towing and they were very nice but had no one available to come help put on the spare but suggested I call The State Farm Road Ranger and I did. The Road Ranger came out and put on the spare tire and helped me put everything back into my trunk. I gave him a tip and I went on my way. I made it home safely and today (3/24/14) I went to Gold Coast Tire and Auto Centers in Tamarac, FL.  The staff there were great and they actually came in under their initial quote. As I reflected on the situation I began to think how going the extra mile and being of value and service to everyone who calls or comes into your business is an integral part of the advertising process. Though I no longer have State Farm as my car insurance carrier it was nice to see that they had this Road Ranger Service.  In having this service they created good will and showed that advertising in the proper market place pays off. Think about it I now have a good feeling about State Farm and have a number to call if I experience another blow out.  Westway receives a big JDOGG Shout Out here on this blog and as a result has some positive public relations. Gold Coast Tire and Auto Centers  has now earned my business and will receive good positive recommendations from me as a result. When you are doing business and considering advertising keep in mind the importance of going the extra mile.

 When looking at this sign think about ways you can help your clients/customers and promote that in your advertising. Seek charitable alliances that are synergistic with your business. Show compassion to all that call or come into your place of business or interact with you. If you search for what truly puts you above everyone else and promote it accordingly you will start to see an increase in brand awareness and revenue. People like to do business with those they know, like, and trust. Through an effective advertising program you can show your already existing customers/clients why they should continue to use your products or services while at the same time attracting new customers. Think about what problem you solve and then go the extra mile to solve it. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Going The Extra Mile!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: How To Overcome Negative Press!!!

Advertisement Ideas: How to Overcome Negative Press!!!

 It is time to face the facts that if you have a business you will experience some type of bad press while running your business. You will encounter people for whatever who will bad mouth you and your business. If you are doing the right thing you will experience bad press either through posts on social media sites, letters to the editor,  media sources whose agenda is to  spread negativity, or  competitors looking to tear you down as opposed to build themselves up. The question is what do you do?

 One of the key components is in overcoming negative press is to be armed with the facts that build your credibility. When the press brings up something negative combat it with all that you are doing that is positive in your business. There is an old saying it doesn’t matter if it is good press nor bad press just spell my name right. If it is good press you can build on it, if it is bad press you can combat it with your side of the story.  In your PR Campaign it is important to make everything reflect positively on who you are and what you do so that you strengthen your brand. The key is to make sure when people see your brand it gives them positive vibes. When you receive negative press it is important  to be  proactive and combat the press so that you regain a positive stronghold in  the marketplace. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: How To Overcome Negative Press!!!

Advertisement Ideas: KISS Delivers Important Message About Building Your Brand!!!

Advertisement Ideas: KISS Delivers Important Message About Building Your Brand!!!!

 I remember when I was younger and my younger brother Joshua was a big KISS fan and we would listen to this song. Today as I listened to the lyrics I thought the message is to SHOUT OUT About who you are, what you do, and give people a reason to use your product or services. I started to think why do people buy NIKE Products when there are other brands that are just as good? The answer is because NIKE Shouts the loudest and is constantly on the top of the mind of the consumer.  Every where you look during a sporting event NIKE Has some type of presence. NIKE has also aligned itself with very well-known celebrities and athletes to build credibility.

prgrsvimg You may be thinking but I don’t have a NIKE type budget. I am here to tell you yes it would be nice to have a NIKE type budget, however you can shout it out loud with your budget. I visit with many smaller businesses on a regular basis and the biggest excuse I hear when it comes to advertising is I don’t have a budget for that. I then ask do you have a marketing and advertising budget and yes there is a difference marketing is about building a brand so that when someone is ready to purchase your product or service they will choose you first. Advertising is promoting offers to drive traffic so you see a return on your investment. Many times I am told no. This is one of my pet peeves as I ask in mind how do you open a business and stay in business without setting aside some money to reach your desired target audience? I have encountered many people who don’t know who their target audience and I then ask them to give me a profile of who their customer is and they say everyone to which I reply your target audience can not be everyone for this is to broad of a spectrum to tackle.  One must have a budget and know who their target audience is of they are to be successful. I ask businesses all the time how are you marketing and advertising and they tell me word of mouth. Word of mouth is okay however it must be augmented with other strategies because not everyone who needs your product or service is going to know your current customers. In order to shout it out loud you must have a strategic plan and you must find what your potential clients/customers are reading, watching, listening to, visiting on-line, and what they desire. A great way to shout it out loud is to answer the question of what problem do I solve in my clients/customers lives? Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: KISS Delivers Important Message About Building Your Brand!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Be Open To Receive!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Be Open To Receive!!!

   In his seminars the first thing Rev. Ernest Chu teaches is the concept of being open to receive. As I thought about this concept I began to think how many businesses may be struggling because they are not open to receive. So many times when it comes to advertising and marketing a business will respond with a programmed response I am not interested, or it is not in my budget, or I tried something like that before and it did not work. Do you see the pattern here? Each response contains a closed word such as not. Each time you say not or turn away from an opportunity you may be closing yourself and your business off from receiving better name recognition, more revenue, and a positive reputation in the community.  In today’s market place it is important to understand that everyone you come in contact with can be of value and service to your business. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Be Open To Receive!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: What’s Your Problem?

Advertisement Ideas: What’s Your Problem?

 As you begin to develop you advertising program you must recognize your problem and understand how a properly planned and implemented advertising program will solve the problem. When I approach people to advertise with the many avenues that I represent like,, or, I hear I am not interested or that type of marketing and advertising won’t work for me. That is a part of the problem as your lack of interest may have just cost you the potential to reach new people and thus strengthen your brand or you may have decided that it won’t work for you and lost out on an opportunity to work with someone who can make it work for you. I hear I can’t afford to ad more advertising at this time to which I  say  what if you were to cut what you are doing with someone else in half for example instead of a full-page ad with them runs a 1/2 page with them and run a 1/4 page with me and then you can run 1/4 page somewhere else thus giving you more exposure in the market place. I hear things are slow and I can’t afford to advertise. To this I say advertising should be done when it is slow and when it is busy as the consumer perceives that a business that is advertising is a strong business.  So now what is your problem? Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: What’s Your Problem?

Advertisement Ideas: How To Make Effective Marketing Choices!!!!


Advertisement Ideas: How To Make Effective Marketing Choices!!!!

When you begin the marketing process you first understand the complexity of it  and a great way to get a grip  and make effective marketing choices is to us the 7 P’s Marketing Mix Below. When you know each phase and you truly analyze the plan you can then implement the plan and evaluate and adjust accordingly.

Many times I hear JDOGG I need to get my name out there and drive business what do you suggest: Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: How To Make Effective Marketing Choices!!!!