Advertisement Ideas: Miyagi Says Focus!!!!

 Pat Morita  (Mr. Miyagi) teaches Ralph Macchio (Daniel Son) an important life lesson about focusing. The scene that is very poignant is Miyagi says wax on wax off focus.I used to walk around my office sharing this with my fellow staff members so as to motivate them. It worked as a great strategy.

Advertisement Ideas: Miyagi Says Focus!!!!

I was out in the community representing Life Publications today and  realized just how many people couldn’t answer the question of who their ideal client was. I began to think if you do not know who your ideal client is then how can you stay focused and build your brand and increase your revenue. One particular business  asked me what I was selling I said eventually I would like to put together an advertising program for you but first I wanted to know who your ideal client is so that I can see if my magazine would be a good fit for you. I was told I am not interested to which I replied sorry to hear that because outside of the advertising I believe I could have been of service and value to you.  I continued to stay focused and use this approach as I continued to peel back the onion by asking questions of the potential advertisers that I was calling on. I was doing the sales calls cold, which is not something I recommend, however those that I have relationships with are already in the magazine working with other reps. As I finished making the sales calls I began to realize that their must be a focus on marketing so as to create top of the mind awareness with those that are in your ideal client profile.

Advertisement Ideas: Strategic Focus

When was the las time you sat down and  did a real introspection of where your focus is and what strategic partnerships I should be focusing on?  Have you looked for a strategy focus that will build your brand? Have you sat down with others to get their input on strategies? Have you sought out groups or organizations that are synergistic with your focus? Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Miyagi Says Focus!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: How To Use Testimonials Properly

 Jonathan JDOGG Lederman uses a video to express a marketing tip while also promoting his blogs.

Advertisement Ideas: How to Use Video Testimonials

 This is an example of a testimonial that was done by someone I worked with helping her to receive media coverage. Since the taping of this testimonial, Barbara has used my services on several occasions and each time makes the comment “When I have  enough money I want to hire you full-time. You may be asking well you have a video testimonial how is it helping your business? It is helping my business as I am able to post it on my youtube channel, I am able to share on Facebook,, and at twitter, @jdogglederman.  When you have video testimonials you can use them to build your credibility. One way is to use them effectively when doing a presentation at an event and you want people to sign-up for a workshop or to hire you for one on one projects. You can use the testimonials at a trade show by having an endless loop of 4-6 to show visitors to your booth. When you have a testimonial you can use it to build people’s trust. Remember people do business with people they know, like, and trust.  People will hear and see what people are saying and be compelled to hire you for your services.

A few keys to remember are:

1: Make the video seem scriptless.

2: Make it seem that the person is genuine and coming from the heart

3: Use the video effectively by annotating it with your web site or phone number- The above still needs to be edited.

4: Share the testimonial whenever and wherever possible

5: You can never have enough testimonials so find all your satisfied clients and record them. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: How To Use Testimonials Properly

Advertisement Ideas: How to Integrate Special Interests to Drive Traffic

How To Inegrate Special Interests to Drive Traffic

Define Your Target Audience

When you begin to advertise and market one asect to consider is how do I integrate special interests to drive traffice? When I mention special interests I am not talking about your interests but the interests of the target audience you are attempting to reach. I am very surprised by the number of so called business owners that when asked who their target audience is will say everyone. Wrong answer there is no way your business be it homebased or a brick and mortar structure will reach everyone. The key is to know your business and your best customer so as to crerate a strategic marketing plan that works.

Knowing  who the bullseye is  the 1st step to integrating special interests to drive traffic. One can not just blindly throw things out there in hopes to reach your target audience. You must define the audience. This is done by:

1 :Knowing who your product or service appeals to. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: How to Integrate Special Interests to Drive Traffic

Advertisement Ideas: No More Excuses

Advertisement Ideas: Stop Making Excuses and Do Something

Magic Johnson didn’t make excuses when in 1992 he was diagnosed with HIV, his performance in the NBA All Star Game that year was amazing. I chose Magic as my lead example because he could have said poor me, however he used the resources he had and stayed on a regiment to keep him healthy. When the economy wasn’t so good and most people were pulling money out of the community Magic was expanding his commitment to the community.

 The Magic Theatres created jobs during the build out and continues to provide jobs in the community all because Majic Johnson didn’t make excuses. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: No More Excuses