Advertisement Ideas: Frequency And Consistency Are The Keys To Success!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Frequency And Consistency Are The Keys To Success!!!!

 In marketing and advertising one of the keys for a successful campaign is consistency. Ask yourself am I being consistent with my message? Am I using the same logo with a consistent brand message or tag line? Am I sharing a message that is memorable that will put me on the top of the mind of  my target audience? In being consistent with your message you create a brand awareness so that when someone is ready to utilize your product or service they call you instead of your competitor.  Ask yourself do I consistently advertise or market myself and my services or do I do it on occasion?  The key is to continually be out in the marketplace so that when someone is seeking your product or services they see you and are compelled to do business with you.

 How many times a day do you market your product or services? The more times people see you the greater the chance you have to capture them as customers/clients. When I sold advertising for Forum Publishing Group I would hear I advertised once and it didn’t work. I felt like say NO S***, what did you expect a miracle after one advertisement?  I have come to the conclusion that many entrepreneurs and marketing executives just do not get it when it comes to advertising and marketing? Many think oh I’ll place an advertisement one time and people will respond. My answer survey says XXX as it is proven that the consumer needs to see an ad 6-8 times before they respond unless they are in the buying cycle at that time.  It is very rare when a one time ad gets a response, however there are exceptions to every belief. The key is the more you put yourself out there the more chances you have to capture your audience and thus turn the ads into sales. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Frequency And Consistency Are The Keys To Success!!!

Advertisement Ideas: How To Choose The Correct Opportunity!!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: How To Choose The Correct Opportunity!

 How many times have you used the phrase I am not interested? How many times has your lack of interest cost you business? How many opportunities have you let slipped past you in the last 6 months that could have made a difference in your business? Each day we are bombarded by opportunities and each day we as business people must decide which is the correct opportunity? In many instances we may not have time to look at  or listen an unsolicited proposal so we blow it off and lose out on what could have been a great opportunity. Instead of blowing people off I would suggest stating to someone I would like to talk to you about this however I work on appointments to go over opportunities I have an opening in my schedule on___________ would you be able to speak to me then. A good person will answer yes I can or I have other appointments however  will leave you the information and follow-up with you.  The idea is to be open to receive information as you never know how someone can be of value and service to you. In many cases the people struggling in business are those who do not look at opportunities or seek opportunities.

 In his book Soul Currency  Ernest Chu states he asks all that he works with if they are open to receive. He asks this question as he knows that when you are open to receive more opportunities that make sense will be presented to you.  The question remains how do I choose the correct opportunity? The first factor is to see if the opportunity serves you in a positive way. The second factor is does this opportunity put me in front of my desired customer/client? The third factor is doe it make sense financially? By using these 3 factors you can choose the correct opportunity. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: How To Choose The Correct Opportunity!!!!!

Advertisement Ideas:Put Out Or Get Out!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Put Out Or Get Out!!!

 I have been doing marketing and media relations for over 30 years and have lived by the concept of put out or get out.  This concept simply means either you put yourself out there and promote who you are and what you do or you simply get out of your business. Too many people go into business today with out and idea of how they will market themselves and how they will advertise and garner interest in their business.  I was at Starbucks today and overheard a gentleman trying to sell his services to a potential client and he had no marketing materials all he kept doing was talking and talking and telling of all he did. he kept telling stories of his successes however had no testimonials or anything to give to the potential client. The first thing you should have when putting yourself out there is a brochure to give to potential clients or at least a business card that capsulesizes who you are and what you do.

 I have written about the three-foot rule in this blog before. It is simple if someone is within 3 feet of you talk to them as you never know where the interaction may lead. Today I overheard a group of people speaking at Starbucks about empowerment. As I walked by them I stopped and said sorry to interrupt but I heard you speaking bout empowerment and wanted to give you my business card, I am Jonathan JDOGG Lederman and I am known as the positive broadcaster, If I can be of help to you in getting your word out please connect with me. By having my business card I was able to make a connection and now it is up to the universe to see what happens. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas:Put Out Or Get Out!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: How To Increase Your Visibility!!!

Advertisement Ideas: How To Increase Your Visibility!!!

 One of the catch phrases of the last 3 years has been visibility. The question is how do you increase your visibility so you are on the top of the mind of the client that is seeking your product or services? Most small businesses do not have a Nike, Coca Cola, or Budweiser budget and struggle with the concept of getting known. Today I will give you some effective and affordable ways to increase your visibility in the market place.  As you are aware I have been doing marketing and media relations in one form or another since I was an 11-year-old.  MY quest to be visible began with a backyard carnival for The Muscular Dystrophy Association. My biggest challenge was how would I get people to come to this event? The answer was easy promote it everywhere and anywhere I could. I the kit came posters and I was fortunate to find a local printer to print more for me at no cost in return for me handing out his brochures. I took the posters and hung them at the major supermarket, local restaurants, in my school, and around my neighborhood. When the event was run I had many people in attendance and was able to donate $1,000 to The Muscular Dystrophy Association. I was invited to present a check to MDA on The Skipper Chuck Show. The local newspapers ran stories about me. This was the beginning of how I began to help others increase their visibility.

 Over the years I learned that it is important to know that you are your brand. People are doing business with you because they know you, like you, and trust you. The question is how do you create visibility for your brand? There are several ways to create visibility, many include? Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: How To Increase Your Visibility!!!

Advertisement Ideas: How To Use Print Media Effectively!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: How To Use Print Media Effectively!!!

 Many times as I present the opportunity to do advertising in a magazine like La Bonita Kidz and Teenz I will hear I don’t do print advertising or print advertising doesn’t work for me or print advertising is dying. These statements concern me as it shows me that business owners are missing out on what is still a viable way of communication. True the trend over the last 10 years has been to focus more on an internet/social media based campaign as more and more people are seeking information via the internet. However there will always be a segment of the population that turns to print media as they enjoy reading. The trend in the last 5 years has been for advertisers to find the niche newspapers and magazines that reach their desired target demographic and instead of using the shotgun approach to use the single bullet approach.

   The first question you must ask is to use print media effectively is what is my target audience reading and what do they respond to. I am always surprised when a business owner tells me their target audience is everyone. This is a big fail because you are not going to appeal to everyone and when doing your strategic marketing plan you need to know who your most desirable client is and what they are reading. For example if you want to reach a 25-54 year old mother, earning 100K+ annually living in a 200K+ home you want to check out  Knowing who your target audience is will help you use print media effectively. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: How To Use Print Media Effectively!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Dominick’s Pizza: What Not To Do!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Dominick’s Pizza: What Not To Do!!!

 Those of you who read this blog know my affinity for Pizza and you also know my passion about promoting Pizza Restaurants that treat me right when I am asking for help with Relay For Life. Well this is an example of what not to do as illustrated by my recent trip to Dominick’s Pizza. It was about 1:15 PM in the afternoon on a Friday I was out collecting for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of West Boca Raton and walked into Dominick’s Pizza and was promptly told “We are not interested,” to which I replied I guess you’re not interested in selling me 2 slices of pizza a garden salad and a unsweetened iced tea. I was told no and to leave the restaurant. I guess my purchase and the good will I would have brought to them wasn’t important. Each person I shared this with said the same thing oh Dominick’s their tough.  So The lesson here is to realize everyone who walks through your doors is important and has the potential to be a customer and create new customers. Dominick’s gets a fail in this department and will not be receiving any of my business. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Dominick’s Pizza: What Not To Do!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Leveraging The Super Bowl

Advertisement Ideas: Leveraging The Super Bowl

This Sunday, February 3, 2013 millions of people will be gathering for Super Bowl Parties across the country. Have you created a way that you can leverage The Super Bowl to drive business to you this week? Have you planned a strategy to capitalize on people’s love for The Super Bowl? Every type of business be it life coaching, personal training, a restaurant, a dry cleaner, a doctors office, etc. can benefit from doing some type of promotion revolving around The Super Bowl and thus creating more brand recognition and more revenue. Think about it you are a life coach and seeking more clients, how about an ad campaign that revolves around the theme Score A Touchdown In Your Life With Life Coach _______. Begin a program by 2/3/13 and recieve $50 off of your program. You are a personal trainer you could do a campaign with the theme Hoist Your Own Lombardi Trophy when you enroll for a fitness and wellness program with________________. You have a restaurant and you can run a campaign Score An Extra Point With Our Desserts, receive one FREE Dessert with purchase of an entree. You are a dry cleaner your campiagn can be Look Like An MVP with __________________. You are a doctor’s office you can do a campaign Let Us Be The QB For Your Health. As you can see if you come up with a creative theme and then put advertising out there you will leverage The Super Bowl.

   As a business you can leverage The Super Bowl by participating in POINTS FOR THE CURE!!!! The way it works is you have your clients/customers/patrons choose either The Ravens or The 49 ERS and they agree to donate $.25 (25 cents) per point that the team scores and then after the game they visit and make their donation mentioning your business in the comment area. You as a business then do a media release about how you and your clients/customers/patrons participated in POINTS FOR THE CURE and raised money for The American Cancer Society. You then do a thank you ad as part of your print campaign and thank everyone for supporting POINTS FOR THE CURE and helping to raise money for The American Cancer Society.  When you leverage an event like The Super Bowl you can strengthen your brand and increase revenue. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Leveraging The Super Bowl

Advertisement Ideas: Community Service As A Public Relations Tool

Advertisement Ideas: Community Service As A Public Relations Tool



As I watched The NFL games on Sunday October 7, 2o12 and promoted the idea of Points For The Cure, where you pledge 25 cents for every point your team scores and then you visit and make your donation, for example The Giants scored 41 points so you would go to the site and donate $10.25, I began to think how community service can be used as a Public Relations Tool. I started to think how beneficial the relationship The NFL has with The American Cancer Society is as they have partnered to promote mammograms through The Crucial Catch Program and how many fans attended a game knowing that a portion of the ticket was going to help their local American Cancer Society. I also began to think about the increased merchandise sales as fans would want the football or lapel pin or other items commemorating Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This becomes a great public relations tool as people have a good feeling about The NFL and are more apt to buy tickets and merchandise. You might be saying but I don’t have the budget of The NFL to do all this. Well you do not need a very large budget to us Community Service as a Public Relations Tool. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Community Service As A Public Relations Tool