Advertisement Ideas: Frequency And Consistency Are The Keys To Success!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Frequency And Consistency Are The Keys To Success!!!!

 In marketing and advertising one of the keys for a successful campaign is consistency. Ask yourself am I being consistent with my message? Am I using the same logo with a consistent brand message or tag line? Am I sharing a message that is memorable that will put me on the top of the mind of  my target audience? In being consistent with your message you create a brand awareness so that when someone is ready to utilize your product or service they call you instead of your competitor.  Ask yourself do I consistently advertise or market myself and my services or do I do it on occasion?  The key is to continually be out in the marketplace so that when someone is seeking your product or services they see you and are compelled to do business with you.

 How many times a day do you market your product or services? The more times people see you the greater the chance you have to capture them as customers/clients. When I sold advertising for Forum Publishing Group I would hear I advertised once and it didn’t work. I felt like say NO S***, what did you expect a miracle after one advertisement?  I have come to the conclusion that many entrepreneurs and marketing executives just do not get it when it comes to advertising and marketing? Many think oh I’ll place an advertisement one time and people will respond. My answer survey says XXX as it is proven that the consumer needs to see an ad 6-8 times before they respond unless they are in the buying cycle at that time.  It is very rare when a one time ad gets a response, however there are exceptions to every belief. The key is the more you put yourself out there the more chances you have to capture your audience and thus turn the ads into sales. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Frequency And Consistency Are The Keys To Success!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Are You Playing At Business Or Doing Business???

Advertisement Ideas; Are You Playing At Business Or Doing Business??

 I ask this question today as I have  realized that there are talkers and there are doers when it comes to business. I recently had a life coach who was teaching marketing skills to his clients in the wrpbitv studios for an interview for my Internet TV Show, the Anything Bucket, which airs on Wednesday Night at 8:00 PM EDT at I offered the opportunity for him to purchase a fully edited clip with his contact information for $100 and he said he couldn’t afford to do it at this time. I chalked this up to another chump professing to know marketing and fooling those who believe his shtick. If someone is supposed to be teaching marketing and doesn’t market themselves  how good can they truly be? I asked the man are you playing at business or are you serious about doing business? He proceeded to make every excuse why he wasn’t going to buy the clip. It was at that point that I determined that I am only going to seek qualified people who are serious about maximizing their message and who understand the value of having a clip and realize that when you spend money you make money. If you are under capitalized think of a way to find capital and then invest it wisely.

 It is all about The Benjamins as with more money you can do more things like give back to the community and thus build your brand by gaining a reputation for being a civic advocate. Each year I seek donations for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of West Boca Raton and I support those who donate products, services. and money to the cause. If you are serious about doing business you should visit and make a donation or call 954-254-8227 to donate a product or service. The publicity you receive from this type of support will strengthen your brand and in the long run help you to create additional revenue. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Are You Playing At Business Or Doing Business???

Advertisement Ideas: How To Shift From Lack To Abundance Thinking!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: How To Shift From Lack To Abundance Thinking!!!!!


 Today I heard it again when I approached someone about being on my TV Show, The Anything Bucket, which airs on Wednesday at 8:00 PM EDT at, I can not afford it. I made it a point to explain to them that there is no fee to appear on my show and that by appearing on the show they are reaching an audience of over 48,000 viewers. I did explain that I offer people an opportunity to buy their clip for $100 and the clip is fully edited with contact information, however they are not obligated to purchase the clip.  I was following up on lead and heard I don’t have the time and I though okay people you are coming from a position of lack and this is holding you back. It was after my last encounter when I hear I tried Internet before and it didn’t work that I was motivated to write this article to help all business owners and all those involved in marketing to go from a lack mindset to an abundance mindset.  Ask yourself what opportunities have I turned down and made excuses why not to invest in my business?

 Changing your mindset from lack to abundance will help to market yourself and you will begin to attract the people that are meant to do business with you. I went into a business yesterday to ask them about being on my  Internet TV Show and I asked the gentleman who is ideal client was and he said every women who wants clothes. My mind immediately went to wrong answer if you don’t know your target audience you will not succeed. I always do my best to peel back the onion so that I can frame an interview around the business person so they can tell their story and resonate with their desired target audience. Again the idea is to shift from a lack mentality to a mindset of abundance. In  knowing who your target audience is and understanding that this audience is abundant and you can reach them through various platforms you will begin to experience abundance in your business. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: How To Shift From Lack To Abundance Thinking!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: How To Choose The Correct Opportunity!!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: How To Choose The Correct Opportunity!

 How many times have you used the phrase I am not interested? How many times has your lack of interest cost you business? How many opportunities have you let slipped past you in the last 6 months that could have made a difference in your business? Each day we are bombarded by opportunities and each day we as business people must decide which is the correct opportunity? In many instances we may not have time to look at  or listen an unsolicited proposal so we blow it off and lose out on what could have been a great opportunity. Instead of blowing people off I would suggest stating to someone I would like to talk to you about this however I work on appointments to go over opportunities I have an opening in my schedule on___________ would you be able to speak to me then. A good person will answer yes I can or I have other appointments however  will leave you the information and follow-up with you.  The idea is to be open to receive information as you never know how someone can be of value and service to you. In many cases the people struggling in business are those who do not look at opportunities or seek opportunities.

 In his book Soul Currency  Ernest Chu states he asks all that he works with if they are open to receive. He asks this question as he knows that when you are open to receive more opportunities that make sense will be presented to you.  The question remains how do I choose the correct opportunity? The first factor is to see if the opportunity serves you in a positive way. The second factor is does this opportunity put me in front of my desired customer/client? The third factor is doe it make sense financially? By using these 3 factors you can choose the correct opportunity. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: How To Choose The Correct Opportunity!!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Time To Take Action!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Time To Take Action!!!!

What is on the horizon for you that will propel you to take action and maximize your message?  Have you been wanting to promote your business, however you have held back because of the perception that you can’t afford to or that the perceived risk is too great? I am here to tell you today that it is time to take action and listen to the options that are being presented to you so that you will be on the top of the mind of the consumer when they are ready to purchase your product or service. How many times have you uttered the words I am not interested only to miss out on what is a great opportunity. I run into many people who tell me I am not interested before I even explain what I am offering. The other day I was calling businesses to offer them a FREE 6 minute segment on my Internet TV Show, The Anything Bucket, which airs on at 8:00 PM EDT on Wednesday. I was surprised by how many people did not want to appear on the show. I heard excuses like I don’t have time to come and tape the show, I have tried internet before and it hasn’t worked, I even had one person tell me I did a show at that station and didn’t see an increase in my sales. I thought to myself you do no have time to take action and  come to the studio to tape a segment that you can show to potential clients. I explained to the person who stated that they tried internet advertising before and it didn’t work for them that this is not advertising it is a TV Show with 48,000 viewers of which 77% are in your local area so you should take action and do the segment so you have something to help build credibility. To the man who said he did a show and didn’t see an increase in sales I didn’t even dignify with a response because if the segment is leveraged properly it will create responses and thus leave the guest in a position to close the deal.

 It is when you create an idea then take action to implement the idea that you begin to see results. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Time To Take Action!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Why Do Internet TV??

Advertisement Ideas: Why Do Internet TV?

 When you visit you see this photo as I am The Host of The Anything Bucket, which airs at 8:00 PM EST on Wednesday. A question that I am asked now as a host is why do Internet TV? The answer is quite easy because of the trend that more and more people are looking for alternatives to terrestrial TV and turning to the Internet as a source for their entertainment. This year an Internet TV Show, House Of Cards,  has been nominated in 9 categories for The Emmy’s showing that this medium is a great way to help you to maximize your message. My show launched to an audience of 48,000 on August 7, 2013 with 77% being in my immediate market of Broward and Palm Beach County.  Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Why Do Internet TV??