Advertisement Ideas: Overcoming People Who Suck!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Overcoming People Who Suck!!!

... the energy (your spiritual energy high.) Do. Flow. Rest. No suckersIn the course of doing business and promoting Relay For Life I have come across some people who really suck. These people will be the first to complain about anything and try to debate you. The best thing to do is to ignore them and then sage your car, your home, your office and remove the negative toxins that  they brought into your environment.  When you encounter these people who suck take a deep breath and then surround yourself with love from GOD and pray that he will guide you toward more positive people. In some cases you have to just make a decision to not interact with those who bring negativity into your life even if this means turning down their business.

No Negativity Allowed At Javaboi Industries Inc.The best way to avoid those people who suck is to make a commitment to avoid negativity.  When negativity enters into  your work place do the best you can to breath and take it as a learning experience. Recently all the political ads have taken on a negative tone so I just change the channel when they come on or I do not watch TV.  In not allowing negativity to pervade your life you will find that personally and professionally your life is enhanced.  In understanding that many people will find fault with what you are doing because they are unhappy with their life. I run into this all the time as I approach people to appear on my TV Show, The Anything Bucket, which airs on on Tuesday at 6:30 PM EST. as they will tell me all the reasons they don’t think it will work for them or how they don’t have time to come to the studio or how they can not afford to buy the clip. These excuses breed negativity so I adopt the idea that some will, some won’t, so what, some waiting, next. I have taken the no’s a s a positive to get me closer to a yes. In many cases I have come to the conclusion that many people aren’t aware that they suck and are making money despite this. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Overcoming People Who Suck!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Becoming A Money Magnet!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Becoming A Money Magnet!!!

When you choose to advertise your intention of course is to create brand awareness, drive traffic, and increase cash flow.  Many times a reason your business is not flourishing is because of of the attitude you have toward money.  Instead of looking at advertising as an expense and taking money away from you look at it as an investment and a way of generating more money. I always say that I am a conduit for money as it flows to me and from me easily and effortlessly. I have watched all the so-called wealth experts and they all say what I have been saying for years it all comes down to how you look at money. You can come from a position of lack saying I can’t afford to do that or you can come from a position of abundance saying I will find a way to afford that. Many people in business today will cut advertising when things are slow and say I can’t afford to advertise when that is when you should be advertising.  Many people in business today will say it is busy and I don’t need to advertise. Advertising should be used on a consistent basis so that you become a money magnet.  The question is how do you become a money magnet?

Advertisement Ideas: Tools To Become A Money Magnet!!!

In this song by ABBA the singer decided that her plan will be to find a  rich man. This is not the best plan or tool to use. The first tool you have is you and your mindset.  How do you think about money?

God Loves A Cheerful Giver of the best tools we have to become a money magnet is to become a cheerful giver. Be glad that you have the money to give and to invest in advertising. By becoming a cheerful giver you will begin to open channels to receive that will bring you more money. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Becoming A Money Magnet!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Put Out Or Get Out!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Put Out Or Get Out!!!

In the ever evolving market place where social media seems to be taking over it is still important to get out from behind the computer and put yourself out into the market.  I have written many times about the 3 feet rule and the importance of getting out into the community. You can have all the social media sites in the world but if people don’t know about them they do not serve you well so it is important to get out and let people know who you are, what you do, and how they can connect with you.  One key when putting yourself out there is to answer the question how you can be of service and value to the people you come in contact with.

Advertisement Ideas: Ways To Put Out Instead of Getting Out!!!

Networking_Events-2When attending networking events it is imperative to get to know a few people at the event. Do not try to get to know everyone build relationships one event at a time and each time you go to the event greet the people you meet and then set a goal to meet 3 new people so that you build your data base and also strengthen relationships. Think of the one thing you want to offer those you meet and then how you will follow up.  The idea is to pick a lane and stick to it.  As you build relationships through networking you will find that you are able to convert people into clients as you continue to be of service and value. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Put Out Or Get Out!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Focus, Discipline, And Execution!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Focus, Discipline, And Execution:


Seeing our writing, our craft... as OUR discipline~Recommended Books on the Importance of Execution in Your Success:

I am asked JDOGG how is it that you are successful with your marketing and media relations? My answer comes down to three elements Focus, Discipline, and Execution.  Having an idea is great but until you implement the idea and allow it to come to fruition it will sit dormant and not serve your business. It is said what you focus on expands. This is so true when running a business or doing work in the non-profit sector. If you focus on the challenges and the negativity surrounding something you will encounter more challenges and more negativity. If you focus on the positive aspects of the project and approach it with joy you will attract more positivity and joy to the project.  One element that a business needs is brand awareness and this should be a focus in all you do. I am very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of West Boca and my focus is on raising funds for research, education, advocacy, and services.  I have set a goal of raising $2500. Each day that I am out in the community I wear Relay For Life apparel to draw attention to what I am doing and I also have my literature with me. By planning out the day and picking a lane and wearing my brand I am able to create a buzz and brand recognition for Relay For Life.  The key is to focus on a plan, plan the work, work the plan, and make adjustments.   When you are focused with the end in mind you will be able to take action to bring the plan to fruition. Ask yourself what you want from your advertising, marketing, and media relations and then focus on the desired results and take action to bring everything to fruition.

Knowing what you want and then taking the steps to get it will take discipline. If you know that you are most productive when you do a morning ritual be disciplined to do that ritual everyday.  I personally get up and do a gratitude prayer, then after I shower and get dressed I tale out Rev, Dr. Dee Adio- Moses Book Heal your life with daily affirmations and prayer, then I read Marianne Morrisey’s Miracle Minute, then I write in my gratitude journal.  I also play uplifting music to get me centered and grounded. In being disciplined in doing this I put in motion elements to have a successful day.

This is one of Janet Lee Kraft’s Songs on her album Sacred Chants ... I also plan out my day and set daily goals so that I can move forward in a positive direction of my goals. In being disciplined I am able to accomplish great things and continue on my mission to help other people excel by being of service and value. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Focus, Discipline, And Execution!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Why Doctors And Big Pharma Piss Me Off!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Why Doctors And Big Pharma Piss Me Off!!!

Patent cholesterolverlager Lipitor loopt af » lipitorAs I sat in my cardiologists office debating why I did not want to take Lipitor and would do a natural holistic approach I realized just then why doctors and big pharma piss me off. Doctors piss me off because of their holier than though attitude and the belief that they are the only ones that know what is best for your treatment. Big Pharma pisses me off because of all the advertising and side effects. I asked my doctor why would I take one prescription drug that can cause other issues.  It also pisses me off that even with insurance my echo-cardiogram will cost me $250 out of my pocket.  The idea of affordable health care sounded great on paper but on practice it has done exactly the opposite of what was promised.  Doctors also piss me off because they hide behind their degrees and try to justify the high rates they charge.  It all comes down to the idea that there must be a better way.  Why is is you can buy a bottle of Tylenol in a CVS for $5.99 and the hospital wants to charge you $7 per pill come on hospital administrators give me a break.  Hospitals, doctors, big pharma, and insurance companies have become greedy money grabbers who have no regard for their patients.

Lipitor prescription drug /side effects/ LIPITOR (Atorvastatin) 80 pic ...   Here are more reasons why big pharma pisses me off, the side effects of Lipitor.

Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Why Doctors And Big Pharma Piss Me Off!!!

Advertisement Ideas: CVS Re-Branding! Smart or Stupid?

Advertisement Ideas: CVS Re-Branding! Smart or Stupid?


CVS/PharmacyCVS Health (CVSHealth) on TwitterToday, Corporate America is all a buzz about the recent name change for CVS and the decision to remove the tobacco products a month earlier than expected. This leads to the question of whether a name change is good or bad for business?  If CVS is to be a totally health based store they need to remove more than tobacco products from their shelves. They will need to stop selling sugar laden drinks, candy bars, food high in sodium and any other items that are considered to be risk factors creating health issues. The CVS name has come to mean community, value, and service to the loyal customers it has garnered over the years. The change from using pharmacy to health should prove lucrative as the connotation of pharmacies in The United States has become a detriment as they are often viewed as evil corporations out for the big money grab. Depending on what other steps CVS takes in the re-branding process will determine whether this was a smart business move or a knee jerk stupid decision to satisfy shareholders. The removing of the tobacco products may prove to be advantageous in the long run as the staunch anti-smoking groups may be more inclined to shop at CVS.

Walmart launches healthy foods initiative to reduce salt, sugar and ...CVS is not the first large chain store to remove tobacco products from their stores.  A few years ago Walmart removed tobacco products from their shelves and have also added healthier food choices in their stores. As a result their earning have seen a trend upward. Though I only go to Walmart to fill prescriptions and check my blood pressure I have seen first hand the increase volume of people shopping there. How much of this can be attributed to the removal of  tobacco products I do not know, however from the outside looking in it seems to have been effective. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: CVS Re-Branding! Smart or Stupid?

Advertisement Ideas: Get Up Off Of That Thang!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Get Up Off Of That Thang!!!

2010-TSHIRT_Final-W-B-300x216It was August of 1989 when I attended my first ever Florida Jaycees Conference, where I won The First Timers Competition, that I first heard the cheer GET UP OFF OF THAT THANG!!! I thought what did that cheer represent and it represented a call to action encouraging people to get up off their ass and do something.  As I got to know the members of The Coconut Grove Jaycees throughout the years of my involvement with The Jaycees as a local chapter president, a district director, a regional director, state director of training,  and state-wide vice-president i began to realize that what makes them successful as an organization is their leadership and their marketing strategies. The Coconut Grove Jaycees started The Coconut Grove Bed Race as fundraiser for The Muscular Dystrophy Association. Today that is one of the biggest events in South Florida. Today The Coconut Grove Jaycees have a very recognizable brand and  have built a reputation as a top non-profit providing leadership training through community service. The Coconut Grove Jaycees have helped many people to advance in their chosen fields of endeavor and have seen many members become successful entrepreneurs.

coconut passionate customers streets of coconut grove member search ... To put together The Coconut Grove Bed Race The Coconut Grove Jaycees utilized a tool known as The Chairman’s Planning Guide that should be used by every business to plan, implement, and evaluate projects.
Jaycees CPG, this link will give you the format that you can then adapt to your business or non-profit projects.

Advertisement Ideas: Get Up Off Of That Thang – A Case Study!!!

In all my years of involvement with the Jaycees the one thing I learned from The Coconut Grove Jaycees is that you have to take action. When you have an idea take action to implement and make sure after implementation you let people know about it. In my workshops I teach people about obtaining media coverage as I have gotten up off of that thang and secured media coverage for myself and causes I support. below is an article done last year about POINTS FOR THE CURE AND SHOUT OUTS FOR THE CURE, which I will be doing again this year for THE 2015 AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY RELAY FOR LIFE OF WEST BOCA RATON.  Yesterday(8/30/14) I ran SHOUT OUTS FOR THE CURE  during The Parkland Rangers VS. Lauderhill Broncos Pop Warner Football Games and raised $62. This was done by getting up off of that thang and using my position as a PA Announcer to do something good to help create a world with less cancer and more birthdays.  It is in taking action that you get results. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Get Up Off Of That Thang!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Stop Making Excuses!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Stop Making Excuses!!!

no excuses This  entry was prompted by an interaction I had with someone as I offered to put promotional materials into 25 Swag Bags that I will be giving out during my presentation at The How To Sell Your Genius Tap Into You Seminar on Friday, August 29, at Broward College in Fort Lauderdale. The woman has an herbal and essential oil business who the last time I spoke to her told me how slow business was. Those of you who read this blog on a regular basis know that I believe there is no reason for a business to be slow and thus when people tell me how slow their business is I always look for ways to change that perception.  I offered to put her cards and a small sample bottle into The Swag Bags she wrote me back that she was involved in many expos where she had to give gifts and would be passing on my offer. I thought okay her loss because of the 25 people who will receive The Swag Bags  2-3 may have wanted to purchase her oils and herbal supplements if they knew about her. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Stop Making Excuses!!!

Advertisement Ideas: What The Ice Bucket Challenges Teaches Us!!!

Advertisement Ideas: What The Ice Bucket Challenge Teaches Us!!!


 The ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) Ice Bucket Challenge translates into any language. As I was watching all the videos of people taking The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge I began to think about all the lessons that this teaches us and how it relates to delivering your message. What began as a way to honor and support Peter Frates, who is a former Boston College Baseball Player who was diagnosed with ALS, by raising awareness and funds for The ALS Association, , has morphed into a world wide phenomenon where it seems everyone from a local coach to someone like Former President George Bush is taking the ice bucket challenge. Some  like Charlie Sheen dumped $10,000 over his head and challenged his colleagues to do the same and donate the $10,000 to The ALS Association,  Verne Troyer put a twist on it dumping milk over his head while eating a cookie.  The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has taught us that if you have the right message targeted to the right audience and utilize the right platforms  you can be very successful. In the time frame of July 29 – August 22, 2013 The ALS Association raised just under $2 million in that same time this year due to The Ice Bucket Challenge they have raised over $40 Million.

ESPN recently did this story on Pete Frates who is the inspiration behind The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.  Now to look at what The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge teaches us.

1: Taking action and having the right motivation leads to success

2: Being creative in how we deliver the message garners attention and creates positive results

3: Developing a following and having them become advocates builds awareness and support Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: What The Ice Bucket Challenges Teaches Us!!!