Advertisement Ideas: How To Build A Fan Base!!!

Advertisement Ideas: How To Build A Fan Base!!!


Click here to visit the official website of the LI KnightsWhile I was a senior at Hofstra University in 1987 I had the opportunity to be a public relations and marketing intern with The Long Island Knights of The United States Basketball League.  From day 1 I stressed how important it was to build a fan base and create a following for the team.  Our arena was located about 100 from a train station across from SUNY Old Westbury. I would take stacks of tickets and simply go to the train station and ask people if they liked basketball if they said yes I would give them two free tickets. I would take this a step further and go business to business asking if people liked basketball and if they said yes I would give them tickets to an upcoming game. I would walk the SUNY Old Westbury campus and give out tickets. I would then begin to call media outlets and share The Long Island Knights with them. As the season progressed the team went from averaging 300 fans a game to over 1000 fans a game.  The key was doing promotion to build a fan base.

Raving Fans - Dental Marketing As I reflected back on my experience with The Long Island Knights I realized that not only in sports is  it important to build a fan base but is any business it is imperative to create raving fans. It is important to engage and listen and then prioritize what your fans want so that they will continue to buy your products and services and recommend you to others. We are told all the time have a unique selling proposition (USP) that differentiates you from everyone else in your industry. When I worked with The Long island Knight we had the most unique selling proposition as we had Nancy Lieberman on our team, she was known as Lady Magic and as a result we were able to showcase her in our marketing program. Nancy had many fans who came to see her play and as a result our fan base increased.  We also had a great USP in the fact that our games were considered affordable at $10 a ticket. We also flooded the market with free tickets and sold the fans on the idea that they would see competitive basketball. The idea is to make the experience with you memorable and pleasurable so that people will continue to support your business and recommend you to others. Remember it is important to bring the fans in and to make them raving fans. When you can get people talking positively about you this increases your following and thus translates into more fans spending more money resulting in the strengthening of your brand. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: How To Build A Fan Base!!!

Advertisement Ideas: What Is Your Advertising Strategy?

Advertisement Ideas: What Is Your Advertising Strategy?


 This is always the first question I ask a client? You would be surprised how many people tell me I don’t have one or I don’t have a budget for advertising. I am always surprised by this because without advertising how are you going to grow your business. It all comes to the concept of investing in yourself and building your brand. I run across many small businesses as I host an Internet TV Show, The Anything Bucket, which airs on on Tuesday at 6:30 PM and I offer them a chance to be interviewed by me. I offer a free segment and a chance to purchase the clip so they can use it in their marketing and advertising programs. I am always amazed by those who do not invest in purchasing the clip. I ask them what type of advertising they are doing and they stumble to answer and then confess that they really don’t do any advertising.  I then explain to them how important it is to be out in front of your target audience daily and that you must have an effective strategy.

 I learned many advertising strategies when I was a member of The  Jaycees as we were constantly looking for new members, working to retain existing members, and garner support for our community projects. I was often mystified by how many people who did not know about the organization because we had welcome signs on the signs entering the community, had several articles in the community newspapers, and spoke at city council meetings. I stated on several occasions that if we are to attract new members and retain existing members we must have a solid advertising strategy so that when we walk into a business they will have heard of us. This is when I devised my three-foot rule, which I still use today. The 3 foot rule is where if someone is with in 3 feet of you, you engage them and gain their interest. I recently used this principle at a local Starbucks and the women I approached told me she was very impressed that I came over to exchange business cards.  Think about it if you carry your business cards wherever you go and begin to ask people about themselves and hand out your card the positive effect it could have on your business. It comes down to the fact that some will, some will not, so what, some waiting, next. Not everyone will want to listen to you but those that do can be converted into customers or advocates for you. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: What Is Your Advertising Strategy?

Advertisement Ideas: How To Build A Strong Social Media Presence

Advertisement Ideas: How To Build A Strong Social Media Presence

I am asked all the time JDOGG why do I have to have a social media presence? My answer is because if you have a strong social media presence and those who like you or follow you know you and trust you you can monetize them not only for your business but for other endeavors as well.  The next question is then how do I build a strong social media presence? The answer lies in the following process:

1: Know who you want to   The adage I like to use is some will, some won’t, some waiting, so what, next. Not everyone is meant to be your client or to support your cause.

2: Create a Brand and A Tag Line that will reach the audience- For example I am known as Jonathan JDOGG Lederman, The Spiritual Emcee Maximizing Your Message, and people who I am looking to work with and help excel have come to know my logo and often state you’re the guy with the fired up microphone logo.

JDOGG Lederman has a consistent brand and message


JDOGG Connections Build A Presence on Social Media Platforms

3: Know what social media platforms you want to use and learn how to use them or find someone who you can use to do this for you. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: How To Build A Strong Social Media Presence