Advertisement Ideas: Stand Out By Honoring Commitments!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Stand Out By Honoring Commitments!!

The word commitment is defined as:

[ kə mítmənt ]
  1. responsibility: something that takes up time or energy, especially an obligation
  2. loyalty: devotion or dedication, e.g. to a cause, person, or relationship
  3. previously planned engagement: a planned arrangement or activity that cannot be avoided
      You may be asking yourself what does this have to do with advertising? The answer is simple  as you should pledge to yourself to be committed to strengthening your brand through advertising. In many cases entrepreneurs and marketing directors wonder why their ad campaign is not working and the answer is simple they did not honor their commitment to build their brand. I have been selling advertising for many years and I have heard let me try it once and see how it works. This approach is not effective, you might as well just through your money into a public place with your business card attached because a one time ad may spike traffic or make your phone ring, however the key in advertising is frequency and consistency. The idea is to be fully committed to the campaign and find the proper venues to advertise in that will be synergistic with your message and reach your desired target audience.
 When you make a commitment to promote your business you will see the positive results. I often visit my local Starbucks and have my business cards at the ready as you never know who you may meet and how you can be of service and value to each other. This is part of my commitment to promote who I am and what I do. Through this commitment to put myself out there I have picked up a few clients, secured announcing gigs, and strengthened my brand. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Stand Out By Honoring Commitments!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Be Open To Receive!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Be Open To Receive!!!

   In his seminars the first thing Rev. Ernest Chu teaches is the concept of being open to receive. As I thought about this concept I began to think how many businesses may be struggling because they are not open to receive. So many times when it comes to advertising and marketing a business will respond with a programmed response I am not interested, or it is not in my budget, or I tried something like that before and it did not work. Do you see the pattern here? Each response contains a closed word such as not. Each time you say not or turn away from an opportunity you may be closing yourself and your business off from receiving better name recognition, more revenue, and a positive reputation in the community.  In today’s market place it is important to understand that everyone you come in contact with can be of value and service to your business. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Be Open To Receive!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Advertise or Die!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Advertise or Die???


I walked by a few businesses that I had once approached about advertising when I worked at Forum Publishing and then when back to them when I left Forum to see if they were doing any advertising.These businesses were so busy finding reasons not to advertise that they are now boarded up. Why is it when sales are down the first thing that a business wants to cut is advertising? If people do not know who you are and you are not promoting your business you will  eventually go out of business. In today’s market place a business has many chances to advertise and those that choose not to advertise choose to die a slow death.  I have seen this cycle happen many times in the last 2 years. I approached a local yogurt shop about advertising and marketing their business and was told I don’t have a budget. Hello the first thing to think about after opening a store is to think how am I going to get the people to come to me and spend money and then come back to me. This yogurt store ran an ad for 1 week in a local community paper expecting an influx in business well guess what a one time ad is not going to work you need frequency and consistency. The key is to have people see you and get to know your brand.  Advertising needs to be proactive and  not reactive. Think of what is coming up and how you can capitalize on upcoming events. You Know from The Day After Thanksgiving until December 23 that the consumer will be geared toward buying and  that is a great time to run an ad wishing everyone a Happy Hanukkah, A Merry Christmas, and  a Happy New Year with some other incentives to shop. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Advertise or Die!!!

Advertisement Ideas: How To Make Effective Marketing Choices!!!!


Advertisement Ideas: How To Make Effective Marketing Choices!!!!

When you begin the marketing process you first understand the complexity of it  and a great way to get a grip  and make effective marketing choices is to us the 7 P’s Marketing Mix Below. When you know each phase and you truly analyze the plan you can then implement the plan and evaluate and adjust accordingly.

Many times I hear JDOGG I need to get my name out there and drive business what do you suggest: Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: How To Make Effective Marketing Choices!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Jump Start Your Public Relations

Advertisement Ideas: Jump Start Your Public Relations

 Like your car battery many times you will need a Jump Start for Your Public Relations. Public Relations is often a component of business that goes unnoticed or unpracticed because a business owner may not understand the intrinsic value of a good public relations campaign. A good effective public relations campaign can help not only to increase brand awareness but also drive business and expand revenue.

Public Relations is not something you do in the face of a crisis it is something you do everyday to build your image. It is a practice that when used properly to convey your message will help you increase your market share. The goal of a good public relations campaign is to put you on top of the consumers mind.  In my coaching sessions I often ask what is your public relations strategy? Many times I am told I don’t have one. I feel like doing the Family Feud Buzzer and shouting Wrong Answer. Every business be it a single owned and operated entity or a large corporation needs to have a public relations strategy. Without one you might as well shut the doors and cut the losses. I am told many times by people I don’t need public relations my business is fine and I do everything word of mouth. Hello, word of mouth is public relations and every customer interaction can increase or decrease your sales and the perception of your brand.  When you sit down to do your public relations strategy you should consider the following:

1: What is my core message?

2: How do I want to convey that core message?

3: What is the mission of the public relations campaign?

4: What is the budget for the public relations campaign?

5: How will I plan, implement, and evaluate the public relations campaign?

 With public relations your goal is to reach your target audience and entice them to do business with you and to recommend that others do business with you. To do this you must ask yourself how am I being perceived on the market place, what type of reputation do I have, how am I conducting myself with every interaction? These are important questions to ask as they will answer why your business may be off. This year as I offered my services to many businesses I have heard the economy this the economy that. I replied it is not the economy it is you to which many business owners had a negative response. I stated to ask what public relations strategy are you using? I was told I don’t do public relations I can not afford to, to which I said you can not afford not to.  The key to jump starting your public relations is to understand that it is an important component of your business and it can be done easily and daily. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Jump Start Your Public Relations

Advertisement Ideas: You Have An Attitude Problem

Advertisement Ideas: You Have An Attitude Problem



Everyone is so quick to judge and say hey you have an attitude problem that they are missing out on opportunities to make a positive difference in their personal and professional life.  I was exploring the attitudes of those in business that I perceive to be successful and I have found that they are positive, non-judgmental, and are open to receive. I believe that many times an entrepreneur who blames the economy or other factors and doesn’t look for the opportunities as they are being presented and puts up excuses and blockages often finds themself in a heap of trouble.  I have seen many entrepreneurs in the last year struggle not for anything else but because of their attitude.One entrpreneur was complaining and bad mouthing his competition and I began to think if that is how he speaks about them how is he speaking about me, as a result I stopped doing business with that person and when I see that person it is a cordial hello and nothing else as his negativity is not something I choose to engage in. I have been told on several occasions by people you have an attitude problem and I say thank you for pointing that out. I have an attitude that in some case may rub someone the wrong way as I am extremely outgoing, I am overly confident, and I speak my mind for some they just don’t how to handle this for others appreciate it and applaud and celebrate it, which has led to my idea of Some Will, Some Won’t, Some Waiting, So What, Next.  I have learned that I will not resonate with everyone, however those that I do resonate with will want to do business with me. To those that choose not to for whatever reason I say their loss. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: You Have An Attitude Problem

Advertisement Ideas: Wake Up and Make It Happen

Advertisement Ideas: Wake Up and Make It Happen

I was going to title this blog Wake The F Up America but wanting to keep the blog PG related I decided to title it Wake Up and Make It Happen. How many of you have called BS on the message to the right saying it can’t be done or it takes too  much money to make it happen, or I’ll never be able to do that? These negative beliefs are the beliefs that are stopping you from waking up ans making it happen. I am not here to tell you it is going to be easy because it takes some work and time. I am not here to blow smoke up your rear either and I am not going to pee on your shoes and tell you it is raining. I am here to tell you that with the right strategy and the right attitude and making the right connections you will make it happen. Let’s break down these 10 questions to help you to plan, implement, and evaluate the steps needed to take action to make it happen. I learned these in The Junior Chamber Of Commerce(Jaycees) and many have used them to become successful in their personal and professional life.

1: What is the primary purpose? This is a way to formulate your mission statement

2: What are the goals and objectives? This will help you see the big picture and to stay focused

3: What is The Manpower?This will help you to decide who you should seek to help

4:What Materials, Supplies, and Resources will be needed? This will help you in making your choices?

5: What Are The Potential Problems and Solutions?This will alleviate having to guess.

6: What is the Budget?- This will help in determining the cash outlay and pay back.

7: What are the steps necessary and the completion dates?  This will help you to stay focused

8: What revisions have you made to the original plan: tweaking the plan is always good practice

9: What Changes would you recommend for a similar project?

10: Give Specific and Measurable Results and a Summary of the project? Being able to give a summary  will help you to improve as you grow.

These questions were used to plan and implement and evaluate special projects that The Jaycees Ran. They translate into business as it lays out an opportunity to wake up and make it happen. It is when you have a road map to follow and adjust to that you are most successful. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Wake Up and Make It Happen