Advertisement Ideas: How To Create Positive Cash Flow!!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: How To Create Positive Cash Flow!

Uterine Fury Records - Happiness Is Positive Cash Flow As a marketing and media relations specialist I am asked many times JDOGG how is this going to create positive cash flow? The simplicity of the situation is that advertising is meant to create traffic and by creating traffic and fulfilling the desires of the consumer you will create positive cash flow. The first thing you need to do to create positive cash flow is to understand what your client/customer wants. A great example is my customer wants exposure in the market place so I create a strategy for them to get this exposure and I charge fees for the program that they choose. In promoting their business and getting results I am able to garner a fee and thus create positive cash flow.  A colleague of mine Ken Esrig speaks of putting yourself in a dollar bill sandwich where you put your name on the top of a paper with 5 dollar signs on one side of your name and 5 dollar signs on the other side of your name to illustrate that money flows to you and from you.  It is important to understand that everything you do in business has a value and the key is to maximize the return on your investment so that you will create positive cash flow. The mindset should be one that I will maximize my message and that I will make smart choices and be open to receive so as to create positive cash flow. The question now is how do I create positive cash flow?

Advertisement Ideas: Ways To Create Positive Cash Flow!!!

To create positive cash flow you must put yourself in a positive money mindset understanding that you have enough and that there is abundance available to you. You must shift your mindset from the lack paradigm to the prosperity paradigm. Someone coming from lack uses words like I can’t afford, I don’t have a budget for that, I don’t see how this will benefit me.  A person coming from prosperity says I can do that how much is I will find a way to do it, I am amble to fit it into my budget, this will benefit me. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: How To Create Positive Cash Flow!!!!!

Advertisement Ideas:Put Out Or Get Out!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Put Out Or Get Out!!!

 I have been doing marketing and media relations for over 30 years and have lived by the concept of put out or get out.  This concept simply means either you put yourself out there and promote who you are and what you do or you simply get out of your business. Too many people go into business today with out and idea of how they will market themselves and how they will advertise and garner interest in their business.  I was at Starbucks today and overheard a gentleman trying to sell his services to a potential client and he had no marketing materials all he kept doing was talking and talking and telling of all he did. he kept telling stories of his successes however had no testimonials or anything to give to the potential client. The first thing you should have when putting yourself out there is a brochure to give to potential clients or at least a business card that capsulesizes who you are and what you do.

 I have written about the three-foot rule in this blog before. It is simple if someone is within 3 feet of you talk to them as you never know where the interaction may lead. Today I overheard a group of people speaking at Starbucks about empowerment. As I walked by them I stopped and said sorry to interrupt but I heard you speaking bout empowerment and wanted to give you my business card, I am Jonathan JDOGG Lederman and I am known as the positive broadcaster, If I can be of help to you in getting your word out please connect with me. By having my business card I was able to make a connection and now it is up to the universe to see what happens. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas:Put Out Or Get Out!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: La Grande Narnaja- What Is In A Name?

 Advertisement Ideas: La Grande Narnaja-What Is In A Name?



My  Facebook  feed was buzzing today as The New Year’s Eve Celebration in Miami, The Big Orange, was changed to La Grande Naranja. All the news outlets were seeking feed back and at first I thought why I are we worrying about the name when there are bigger issues to tackle. I then began to ask what is in a name and the began to realize that branding is an integral part of your business and you spent the last 20 years building The Big Orange so why would you change the name and begin with a new brand, La Grande Naranja, and I realized well most of the people in that area are hispanic and that is a primary target demographic and thus a name change can be used to attract more clients of hispanic origin. Better yet why not promote the event in both languages so as to attract a more diverse audience. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: La Grande Narnaja- What Is In A Name?

Advertisement Ideas: Show Me The Money!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Show Me The Money!!!!


We all remember the scene from Jerry McGuire when Cuba Gooding Jr’s character tells Jerry McGuire(Tom Cruise) Show Me The Money. Well in advertising and marketing this philosophy is the same. The key is for your campaigns to show you the money. The initial ad or marketing project may not reap money right away as it takes 6-8 touches of the consumer before they make the decision to purchase your product or service.

Your advertising and marketing should compliment each other and convey a strong message that creates a desire in the consumer to do business with you.  I have encountered many business people who will cut back on their marketing and advertising when it appears things are slow  and then wonder why they lose market share or go out of business.  The fact is that at some point during your business you will need to effectively advertise and market.

 In the past Starbucks marketing department said that they would not advertise as their audience was finding them simply by driving by and word of mouth, well that recently changed as they introduced Starbuck’s Refreshers and are now doing a major TV Campaign to promote that line. As a result they have seen a spike in their daily sales again showing them the money derived from advertising. Starbucks continues to have a strong brand due to their consistent in-house marketing and now their outside marketing and advertising campaigns.

When deciding on doing a promotion you should analyze the cost as you also measure the value. Remember that marketing and advertising is an investment.  There are questions to ask like how many people will the promotion reach, what demographic will it reach, how long will the promotion last and how will I benefit by being part of the promotion. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Show Me The Money!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Overcoming Branding and Image Obstacles

Advertisement Ideas:Overcoming Branding and Image Obstacles

As I read the article about The Aurora Colorado shootings that took place at a movie theater I kept thinking I would hate to be the marketing director of that theater, then I thought perhaps with the right program I would overcome the branding and Image Obstacles.

 The first thing I would do is to issue a statement of condolenscences and then to say we will be helping the victims of this shooting through special promotions at the theater with proceeds from all screenings of all movies being donated to a special fund to offset funeral and hospital costs of the victims.

 The next thing I would do is print up a shirt with The Colorado Flag and put a slogan like Aurora and Century Theaters Standing Together in remembrance with the date of the shooting and again collect donations for the victims families.

 The third thing I would do is to host a gun Buy Back Program with everyone receiving a free movie pass.

 The fourth thing I would do would host a blood drive.

In the face of adversity come opportunity to Overcome Branding and Image Obstacles.


Advertisement Ideas: Branding Ideas and Images Gone Bad

 Remember this car it was very popular her in The United States but not so much in Spanish Speaking Countries as NOVA translates into NO GO. The lesson learned here is to know the culture of the countries where you are going to promote your brand and build your image.

 The Adult Literacy Coalition was trying to get their message out, however if the audience they are attempting to reach can’t read the bench ad what good does it do for them. The lesson here is when you are spending your marketing dollars on Branding and Image Building use it wisely where it will be most effective.

 This ad was placed on the escalator of a local mall.Can you see the problem? Ad placement must be well though out when doing a branding and image building campaign, Had it been reversed it would have made more sense.

 I have a question. Would You Shop Here? remember sometimes using an abbreviation creates a branding and Image Obstacles.



When naming your business think about the perception of your business. Would you do business with any of the above businesses.


Advertising Ideas: Branding and Image Building Tips

Many times we may think something is clever and creative however the general public may not think so thus it is important to take into consideration the idea of what are you trying to portray and what is the objective of the branding program. When building your brand and image it is imperative to remember:

1: Be consistent across all platforms of marketing – Develop a logo that will be used on everything related to your business, the tag line should represent who you are and what you do.

2: Position yourself as the best at what you do by being an information  source – For example if you are a pizza place explain the difference between certain cheeses that you use.

3: Place your brand in places that are synergistic in reaching your target audience.

4: Build a following that will become unsolicited spokes people for you. For example you create customers that recommend others to you and thus when someone sees your logo they will immediately have a positive feeling about your business. A great example of this is IKEA who does a push when they open and then as a result of delivering good quality products, good customer service, and a shopping experience people line up overnight for their grand openings.

5: Use social media effectively by using key words and creating a buzz about your business. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Overcoming Branding and Image Obstacles